Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Second Path

The vantage point wasn't the best. But it left her hidden mostly in its shadows, all but the curl of ivory topping her skull, the glow of her large blue eyes intense and paler then more. A pale shape of ashen skin illuminated under the sad moon. She leaned against the wall and looked out across the roof tops with her mind everywhere but where she was looking. At her feet stood a doll. A perfect copy, that hide in the folds of her gown. It looked up at her, a small tug that did little to distract the demon from her thoughts. What do we do, the doll asks, and she only shrugs as her face remained as immobile as the miniature of herself. It doesn't matter. Let it go. They can only break a shell now. The reply made the doll burrow into her skirt once more. The tail slips around the doll protectively. Keep it safe. This is what the demon told the doll. It lifts its face to her's, glass eyes just as intense and sparkling with life. Again there's a tug and this time she turns her gaze down as the doll come out and twirled on the roof top away from the edge. It is cold tonight. She tries to smile but it seems she forgot how to and only nods. "Winter, my little one." the demon replies and turns to kneel down to the doll's level. It asks if she can feel it. The demon slowly shaking her head as she brushes the curls away. No...she did not feel it now. The cold. The warmth of another's body. A suitable sacrifice. No more that will distract her from her duty. They will realize too late what she had down, and the demon leaves the doll to stand while she rolls over and stretches out over the dirty roof carelessly to stare up into the cloudy night sky. The doll watches her and finally comes to sit beside the demon, curled up close as a pet would. She took notice how warm it was but for her, the curiosity she may of felt one wasn't there. She knew this but at the same time, the demon realized she didn't care. It just was. "I will make you a beautiful bed to sleep in." She told the doll. It wanted to know why and she stared up, gazing around at the stars, with no answer. She hears another question asked and then does she look over, a single tear coming from the outer corner of her eye to rain down into her hairline. She smiles to it and turns away.

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