She woke up finally, feeling as if her chest was stomped on, her heart as if it had been squeezed. In fact, it had taken a serious blow, Sieran's unexpectant attack to set the last one leaving her screaming and spilling a grand amount of blood to the library floor. What felt a nightmare was reality and it come to hit her the next day with a heavy fist to the gut.
All the seals she had erected to bind the darkness within her. A means to keep herself safe and sane, so she thought, and she had shattered them all in a blaze of single minded hatred to the one that betrayed the Coven. As soon as she heard what Lysander had done, she didn't think. She only reacted. The demon tearing through all she had created and slammed into his mind with a twisted mind of revenge.
Nerissa Dae 's mind slams into his psyche with a snarl. "What are you doing fool!" she screams.
Lysander Demonge winces at the impact of her mind forcing it's way into his. Ignoring her petty inquiry he slams shut the walls of his mind, lacing the rejection with a wave of pain for her efforts.
Nerissa Dae can be felt slamming against it, her drug induced mind making her attackes harder and more intense as she barely puts anything behind them but inhuman anger. The demon comes to the foreground, rising out of the depths with a vengenous. There comes a bain sidhe's screech, ear shattering and mental if she breaks through his shields.
Lysander Demonge doubling over from the furious assault, the screem of a thousand harpies echoing in his mind, he dips into Hell's seemingly endless reservoir of power, hurling every inch of it he could draw at the witch in the form of incredible heat. Collapsing from the effort, he crawls to the nearest chair, propping his back against it.
Nerissa Dae doesn't let up. Madness taking, the demon never before reacted in such a manner in the naked eye. There's nothing sane in the mind that assails his defensive ways, a brutal wash of cold madness exploding and beating at anything to render his mind useless if she gets that far.
Lysander Demonge slams his defensive wall back into place, only to have it broken again. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT WITCH, LEAVE ME TO MY MISERY" he roars, so loud in his own mind that waves of pain and nausea beat at his skull.
Nerissa Dae screams, a thousand piercing cries heard, "You have betrayed your family." She snarls as she slams into his mind with what she hopes will feel like spikes.
Lysander Demonge deciding this one is far too powerful to block out entirely, he quickly changes tactics, reverting to that faithful demonic character so common in his kind. Wincing from the assault but not showing any signs otherwise, he softens his voice to a penetrating, pompous tone. "Did your sister enjoy my gift? I wore her you know, like a condom at homecoming. I can still feel her wrapped around me, crying in agony. I can still taste her tears, sssssalty and ssssorrowful...." he hisses at the last.
Nerissa Dae gives no indication of haulting, no notice to the change over coming him. She howls and there's a shift in her own persona. That what made her Shadow. That what made her Vulcan's favorite pet. The demoness utters something unintelligable and a lashing of razors comes from her mind, as if she wants to slice his brain from the inside out. There's a white nova of blinding hatred that pulses and she laughs without warning. "I have no sister you fool. I have no mother. I have no father. No brother. I am only me and you will fall before me ." says the icy hiss so unlike the odd tone of Neri's normal tone.
Lysander Demonge grins in delight, feeling a kindred spirit. Relishing in the wave of cutting pain, he embraces her mind. "I remember you.....Nerissa.....you were a Shadow....." he says softly. "You are one of the witches now? I can't fathom why......I beg forgiveness for my brash behaviour my kindred, please, leave that foul den of goodness and light, come and walk with me in the darkness." Closing his eyes, he runs hands over his skin, reveling in her aura of evil presence. "I long for a companion such as you....honor me with your dark beauty.....Nerissa....".
Nerissa Dae 's wards have been destroyed, the darkeness welling up, the unnatural essence that makes up her entire being, a kiss of such power she holds within her like a living vessel. She laughs at him, mocking him. There is no baiting her, she doesn't seek power, that is clear in her mind. If her hands had touched him physically, those cold little hands would sear flesh from him and slop up his spilt blood. She is lost to the sensations on seems to move around him even in spirit. A shadowy form...dark..insubstantial but for those icy blue eyes that seem to look through him. A huntress. A predator that could snuff him any minute if she wanted to.
Lysander Demonge kneels, still feeling her awe-inspiring power overwhelming him. He lets it wash over him without any attempt to hinder her. Smiling knowingly, he replies, slow and steady. "I know what you think, you look at me as a pitiful little thing, seeking to gain some measure of strength and power. Know this isn't so. I am quite aware you could end me without so much as a twitch, and I care little." Tilting his head back, he opens his mind wider. "I am also aware that my paltry words hold no temptation for you, but you are also aware that your place is not WITH those pathetic witches and their silly spellbooks. Don't you tire of mending possessions, petty drama and any number of other meaningless endeavours? I am sated with who and what I am. I am a demon, not powerful, nor am I weak.....what I do have to offer is an intelligent mind, something the masses of this pathetic city lack. You can deny all you like, but you know this for truth." Nodding contentedly he finishes. "Do as you will....Nerissa."
Lysander Demonge: "I will not attempt to sway you any further."
Nerissa Dae remains circling him, in his mind, her own is total chaos. She holds no sign of humanity now that she had always shown. The compassion she held for him and desire to see him be something. Now, she is along hatred that surrounds him utterly in a cold blanket. " I am neither demon nor angel. I am myself. I am that which is not alive nor dead. You have nothing I want. You are nothing but a fool child.." her words, soft hisses as it seems she literally stands beside him. She carries with her a strength that shows she gets what she wants. "Knowledge is power. Power is not what I seek. I seek to know. To weld. You have caused me to show myself and this doll will forever remember. " Comes her voice, an icey softness this time catching. Something brushes against the dark essence and then it comes to the physical side of him, as if those talons traces over his sculpted body before she jerks away with a peal of laughter.
She had left his mind and escaped into her own darkness, lost. The following hours had soon been spent to try and reestablish these seals and weak, she managed to make it through the next day fairly safe if not still feeling in a state of utter hatred and thirsting to inflict pain. The night was spent manning the booth for the faire, a perfect distraction and a chance to work to maintain her unsettling darkness by wrestling with those that come to try their strength against the small demoness. Enjoyed even losing, she would laugh every time Wollen, one of the Ryders, managed to get her down. Her excuse was that she was exhausted and just grins at him savagely, dressed in but a bikini top and baggy shorts, smelling of the goo that was inside the cauldron below that most losers would of been pushed into.
Perhaps the lack of sleep or just something had brought her to this point that she sought out her sire, Sieran. Though no longer vampire, she regarded him thus still her sire and mentor, as were many others have taught her. They worked to reinstate the wards, though his were only temporary, having to loose her eye so he could place a blood stone into it which held one of the seals to bind her. Another would be placed on her pelvis, another around her throat and thus followed until the last one was put into her heart itself. He didn't have to be there to do it. She was lost to the darkness by then, in the library and ranting at it to show her where the Book of Seals were. Desperation led from madness and books were thrown carelessly as she ripped one after another from the shelf at the time.
It was not until Joah and Hadyn come that prevented her from destroying the books completely. Reaching for the shelf itself, she was readying to pull it down on them both in her enraged mind wanting to send them away, but Hadyn and snatched her wrist, swollen already and healing from a fracture caused earlier when she had angered Sieran. Now, it was gripped tight to get her attention and then as something cold was slapped into her palm and sealed between her flesh and his, she could only feel the biting pain of something burning before the pain hit her chest as well as Sieran's last seal was slammed into her beating heart. A screech flew from her lips before the blood erupted. Even she had never seen so much come spewing out of her mouth to rain down on the floor and scattered books, and then blackness as all the seals flared to life and she fell to the floor into unconsciousness. She doesn't remember Hadyn picking her up like a child and carrying her back to the shop, or the others trying to heal her heart and soul. Only to her, was sweet oblivion...
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