She sits there on the large chaise lounger, watching the small figure sleeping, her own eyes still puffy and red from the heavy tears she had to fight since the night before. Her heart ached, and the demon tried so hard to appear brave for her 'lil one'. Neri adjusted the blanket over her god daughter's sleeping form, to keep her safe...to keep her dry..to watch over her. The demon tried not to see the girl's mother in her face but too much Suyuan was the spitting image of her dearest and most beloved of friends of late, the memory of the night tearing at her again most severely..It was times like this she yearned for her aingeal. Needing him..but..alas, he was not there for her and she would curl herself up against the head of the lounger, curling carefully around her sleeping daughter's form protectively while her memories haunted her.
One would think that the water wouldn't bother her but old fears still clung to Nerissa. She stood, more then half submerged in the flood waters, and waited after the call she got to meet up with her dearest friend. So caught up in her thoughts, it took a moment to realize that the one that came to her was her Mei.
Anjia Chuzen smiles weakly as she stumbles against Neri, "Hi there." Nerissa looked utterly shocked at the feelings rolling off her dear friend. "It doesn't seem to hurt anymore..." Mei speaks in a quiet tone that made her heart twist up in her chest.
Nerissa Dae turns a solemn face to her friend with worry etched in her eyes. She opens her arms to her, near begging. "..I find that highly unlikely.." she whispers.
"In fact it doesn't hurt at all." The Ryder looks up at her before collasping against Neri. "Help me into the garage."
Nerissa Dae moves foward quickly and grabs ahold of her with a soft whimper, nodding.
She helped her, nearly carried her back to her parents' garage, thinking about the phone call, hearing that Dime had killed Halleon. "I wanna be there... for the last time." Mei whispered to her.
Anjia Chuzen smiles weakly, "Hi Lei..." She looks up, seeing the small lycan entering, bristling instantly but keeping her silence for her Mei's sake. "Come to see me off?" she asked Lei.
SahngLei Xue greets Mei, " hello "
SahngLei Xue: i came to join you
Anjia Chuzen slips Neri a piece of paper.
"And even if it did it would just be too late anyways" Neri looks confused now, pale blue eyes darting to both before she frowns a little bit as she looks to Mei, feeling dizzy.
There was a moment of shock as she lifts her head...she had actually fainted..the shock of her friend talking of suicide..all she could do, that moment, was listen to the two talk..
Anjia Chuzen: Poison?
SahngLei Xue shrugs
SahngLei Xue points to the vials on her tail
Anjia Chuzen: I'm already very, very sick due to the water.
Anjia Chuzen: Hrm.... that's could work.
SahngLei Xue: i could strangle you to death
SahngLei Xue: drown you
Anjia Chuzen: Erm...
Nerissa Dae looks at them both, frowning more.
SahngLei Xue: slice your head off
Anjia Chuzen: Something peaceful please.
SahngLei Xue: up to you
SahngLei Xue: there are many choices
Anjia Chuzen: Poison will do.
SahngLei Xue hands her one of the vials
SahngLei Xue: that one
Neverliska Klossovsky huffs and groans as she runs up, the toxic water dripping off her.
SahngLei Xue: and for me....i need silver
Anjia Chuzen accepts it as she lifts it, as she peers at it curiously, "What is it?"
Anjia Chuzen: And will it work?
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) shakes hirself, letting the water peal off hir in a controlled way
SahngLei Xue: "Its a deadly poison derived from a root...im not sure what exactly its called but yes it know it will work"
Anjia Chuzen: So what's your damage? Why do you want to do this?"
SahngLei Xue: "i just do"
Neverliska Klossovsky doesn't bother shaking as she moves up closer to her mother, her eyes flicking over to the vial in Mei's hands before looking at her Mother. "What... what are you doing..."
SahngLei Xue: "Im helping mei and she is gonna help me"
Anjia Chuzen: There has to be a good reason.
Nerissa Dae folds her lips together as she stands there while tears stream down her cold cheeks.
SahngLei Xue doesnt look at her daughter just stares at mei "And do you have something silver aroubd here?"
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) tilts hir head as shi looks to hir mother with dimmed eyes and then to hir sister before shi finally focuses on hir mother again
SahngLei Xue: "If so could you widdle it sharp for me?"
Neverliska Klossovsky growls and stops her foot as she hears the word silver. "You just going to give up you life that easily because someone threw mean words at you!'
Anjia Chuzen: I believe so.
Anjia Chuzen: I'm certain I could find something among my jewelry.
SahngLei Xue: "Yes" she hissed at never "I cannot take it anymore all anyone ever has for me is harsh words and dumb jokes im sick of it!!!"
Anjia Chuzen: I believe we may have silver nitrate.
Anjia Chuzen frowns as she arches a brow at Lei, "You're killing yourself over mean words?"
SahngLei Xue: yea
SahngLei Xue: so what
SahngLei Xue: whats it to you
Neverliska Klossovsky clenches her paws into fists. "Then leave the city! Don't end your fucking life! that's just a cowards way out! And you aren't a coward!"
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) shivers and breaks a tear at the mentioning of silvernitrate as shi turns to hir sister with a vague whimper
Nerissa Dae bows her head as she draws something to her hands. "Fuckin' children..." she mutters.
SahngLei Xue: whats it to anyone
Anjia Chuzen: I dunno... thought you might have a better excuse.
SahngLei Xue: nope
Anjia Chuzen: Like divorced, two father figures dead.
Anjia Chuzen: Struggling to look at a child who you wish you could give everything too.
SahngLei Xue: im divorced i have no place within my family my sister killed herself and my pet ran away
SahngLei Xue: what more do i need?
Anjia Chuzen: You sure you want to do this?
SahngLei Xue: look
SahngLei Xue: dont ask me why
SahngLei Xue: i just want to
Neverliska Klossovsky growls as she flattens her ears. "I guess the children you adopted are of no value to you. How many times have you put me in this position!?"
SahngLei Xue: if thats alright with everyone
Anjia Chuzen shrugs, "All right."
SahngLei Xue: right make me feel worse
SahngLei Xue: go ahead
SahngLei Xue: it will all be over soon anyways
Neverliska Klossovsky stops her foot. "I will! Until you get it through your head that we don't want you to go and actually care about you! You and your thin as air skin!"
Anjia Chuzen shrugs as she turns towards the work bench and begins rummaging through the drawers for a few moment before she finds a small container and hands it to Lei.
Anjia Chuzen: This is silver nitrate.
Anjia Chuzen: We put in our bullets when we wanna kick your asses.
SahngLei Xue takes it and holds it close
SahngLei Xue: what do i do with it?
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) begins to whimper vaguely as shi holds onto Nev's shirt gently
Anjia Chuzen: Eh, drinking it will make be really painful.
Anjia Chuzen: Here...
Anjia Chuzen hands her a bullet.
Anjia Chuzen: There is silver nitrate in there.
Anjia Chuzen: Just load it into your gun.
SahngLei Xue: i was told this stuff only hurts us it wont kill us
Anjia Chuzen: And shoot yourself.
SahngLei Xue: i need pure silver spike or something
Neverliska Klossovsky growls again, her body shaking. "Ya know what... I'm sick of your shit. I'm glad you aren't my birth mother. She would have so much more power than you! Emotionally and physically! You are neither!" turns to looks at Seto and holds him. "Come, I don't want you to watch that creature kill itself..."
Nerissa Dae moves foward and grabs Mei's shoulder as she holds out a hand full of bullets. "Take these..the bullets themselves are silver and filled with liquid silver..they've been spelled for a painless death.." she says through tears.
bundy Razor's eyes suddenly widen at hearing " shoot urslef"
SahngLei Xue shrugs not caring anymore
Neriss's voice breaks when she speaks, "I've no use for them, my sire made them for me.."
Anjia Chuzen gestures as towards Lei as she hands them towards her.
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) whines a bit as shi watches Lei, seemingly stunned
Anjia Chuzen: Never thought we'd be doing this together.
Anjia Chuzen chuckles softly.
Anjia Chuzen: And was that Dev I just saw?
SahngLei Xue holds out a hankerchief to catch them in
SahngLei Xue: Who cares
"...Mei...I don't want ya to go.." It was all she could do not to slap Mei, Neri's face streaking with wet tears.
bundy Razor turns to mei
Anjia Chuzen: I've lost my pillars of strength...
bundy Razor just realised she's tryna kill herself
Anjia Chuzen: I'm sorry.
Nerissa blurts out, "I can't loose anymore..Coran..now you..and all those before you.."
Neverliska Klossovsky growls and flattens her ears, picking Seto up again, this time holding him as if he were a child and walks farther out of the garage and back out into the water. "Come on.... I won't make you see that... I thought I saw you die... I won't volunteerly watch someone else I care about do it to themselves because they are weak."
bundy Razor: mei??
bundy Razor: is this a joke??
Anjia Chuzen: No Bundy...
Anjia Chuzen: I suggest you walk away..
Anjia Chuzen: This won't be pretty.
SahngLei Xue: please everyone leave us
bundy Razor: Hell no!
Seto Kitsumoto (Dimitri Matova) is lifted but doesn't resist in anyways as shi's pulled away, only hir maw was open
SahngLei Xue: mei
SahngLei Xue: i want to admit something to you right now
SahngLei Xue: before its too late
Nerissa Dae 's lip tremble and snaps. "I could take your soul, Mei! I could take you before you die..and you will never rest!"
bundy Razor's eyes fill with tears " things are just adding up...that sux"
Anjia Chuzen ignores Neri as she perks her ears at Lei.
Anjia Chuzen: Say it.
SahngLei Xue: deep down ive always loved you like a sister but my stubborn pride would never allow me to tell you
SahngLei Xue: well till now
Anjia Chuzen chuckles dryly, "I guess I had some feeling for you too."
Nerissa Dae casts her eyes down to the dirty floor and touches her stomach.
Anjia Chuzen: Now we go down together.
Anjia Chuzen: Neri...
SahngLei Xue nods
Anjia Chuzen: Do me a favor.
Anjia Chuzen: Watch over Suyuan.
bundy Razor sniffs looking at the pack
Anjia Chuzen: Tell her I went to go be with her two grandfathers.
bundy Razor wipes her tears " your going no where mei"
Anjia Chuzen: Do you at least want to say goodbye to Wotan and Draven?
SahngLei Xue: no
SahngLei Xue: i dont
Nerissa Dae gives her nothing but silence now, tears running down her face now heavily.
SahngLei Xue: i dont want to say bye to anyone
SahngLei Xue: and i dont want anyone to find my body
SahngLei Xue: thanks for the bullets
SahngLei Xue: ill go somewhere and hide to finish the job
Anjia Chuzen nods as she lifts the veil concealing her face and she pops off the top to the vial, "A toast... to happier times." she throws her head back and her lips touch the brim of the vial before she quickly swallows it.
Anjia Chuzen: *the liquid
bundy Razor grabs mei by the arm crying hard and shaking her " your not going anywhere" yelling
bundy Razor looks at the demon not doing anything
SahngLei Xue watches mei drink what she knows to be the most deadly poison known to man and winces
Nerissa Dae throws her arms around her without warning, grabbing Mei as she starts to cry harder.
Anjia Chuzen: How long will this take?
SahngLei Xue: 3 minutes tops
SahngLei Xue: you should feel very sick like the flu then fade to a sleep
SahngLei Xue: or atleast i was told
Anjia Chuzen she begins to feel weak slightly as she collapses back into Neri, her head spinning.
SilverLeaf Zabaleta watches from the street, in shock
bundy Razor falls on her knees pulling on mei's skirt screaming and cryng hard " Noooo!"
Anjia Chuzen blinks back tears, "I'm sorry you guys..."
SahngLei Xue: "Oh but she isnt the only im next"
SahngLei Xue: "only noone will find me or see mine"
Anjia Chuzen: Awwww,,,
Anjia Chuzen: I was hoping... we could... go down... together...
SahngLei Xue looks back to mei as she leans to brush the hair back from her face "Sleep mei, shhhh just rest now"
Nerissa Dae shakes her head. "No..yer not. Ya wouldn't be doin' this! For fuck sake! I let my father torture me!!! I can't even keep a man...what the fuck!"
Anjia Chuzen slips further into Neri's embrace as she slips down to her side on the floor, "I don't feel so good."
She didn't know what to do anymore but bawl..a demon reduced to tears, her heart twisting in her chest and all she can do is cling to Mei "I'll never have children..." she says, in thought, she couldn't say, 'and now you won't be here to see when..if that day came..to see me finally swollen with life..'
Nerissa Dae draws Mei tightly to her and buries her face in her hair, freezing breath sinking through.
Anjia Chuzen murmurs, "Yes... you do now..."
Anjia Chuzen: Suyuan is your daughter now.
Nerissa Dae sobs quietly now.
bundy Razor screams loud " nooo"
Birch Devin stares in horrified confusion
bundy Razor buries her face in her hands
Anjia Chuzen: Tell her... I would rather kill my own weak spirit... to give her a stronger one.
Anjia Chuzen grips her stomach as she begins to slip in and out of consciousness and she begins to hallucinate, singing softly in Mandarin.
SahngLei Xue nods
SahngLei Xue: almost there
SahngLei Xue: about a minute now
Nerissa Dae leans down and quickly sweeps her arm under the billows of fabric to pick Mei up, clinging to her as she starts to cry harder.
bundy Razor crawls towards mei wraping her hand in hers sniffing " mei..u not leaving...u always there..." sobs
Nerissa Dae starts to pitifully whimper until a demonic sobbing is heard...
Anjia Chuzen: Guys don't cry... I'm happy now...
Anjia Chuzen lifts her arms as she seems to be reaching for someone, "Coran... father..."
Birch Devin shakes her head "I dont understand whats going on,... but I dont want to lose you either Mei, there hasnt been enough time to know you"
SahngLei Xue loads the gun with a silver bullet carefully using the hankerchief as a guide and covers for her hands
Nerissa Dae shakes her head as she grips her tighter, pressing her lips softly to Mei's face.
Anjia Chuzen: I'm coming...
SahngLei Xue cocks the gun so the bullet releases into the chamber readying it
SahngLei Xue sighs and points the gun to her head
bundy Razor reaches her hand up attempting to stop the pack from shooting herself
SahngLei Xue growls
Birch Devin looks to the were
bundy Razor screams " no!"
The demon whispers through her tears, "..I will never forgive ya, Mei..I love you and I will never forgive ya for leavin' me.."
SahngLei Xue: "It has to be done"
SilverLeaf Zabaleta crys quietly walking up to bundy, "No Lei, it doesn't"
Anjia Chuzen eyes flutter close as her breathing grows shallow, her last words being uttered as her hearing ceases, her pulse slowing as her heartbeat ends and she utters one last sigh before she expires.
Draven Piek ear twitches nerviously
Nerissa Dae utters a piercing, bain sidhe scream. Tearing from her throat as her body arches in anguish..
SahngLei Xue looks down at mei and places her finge ron the trigger
Nerissa Dae buries her face into Mei's body as she rocks her to herself, unable to stop crying now as her friend dies in her arms.
SahngLei Xue: "Tell my ex family nothing"
bundy Razor looks at mei again her hand in hers then lifts her eyes at the pack her other hand pulling her shorts " stop!"
SilverLeaf Zabaleta tries to grab the gun from Leis hand, "Stop Lei!"
SahngLei Xue pulls away from silver a loud growls eminating from her throat
Birch Devin covers her face with her hands unable to say anything or move to stop the horror
bundy Razor sobs hard
SahngLei Xue ferociously roars with a thunderous snarling growl.
SilverLeaf Zabaleta: "Lei give me the gun please" holds her hand out
SahngLei Xue shakes her head "No I am doing this"
bundy Razor buries her face in mei's skirt crying hard shaking her head
Birch Devin chokes out a whispered "why... why do any more have to die?"
SilverLeaf Zabaleta stops shaking her head, "Why? Please Lei don't"
SahngLei Xue: "Me and Mei wanted to do this together now stop trying to stop me"
Nerissa Dae shakes harder the tighter she clings to Mei's body, rocking her as she keeps bawling, muttering words under her breath.
Draven Piek can feel a growl nearly rip through his throat but just stays silent
SahngLei Xue sniffs a moment before turning to see if her sniffer was right
SilverLeaf Zabaleta: "Lei there are living people here who love you, I have no idea whats going on but......don't"
SahngLei Xue scoffs :like who?"
SahngLei Xue mnnods once to draven
Birch Devin: maybe people you dont even know yet...
SilverLeaf Zabaleta: The pack, your family
SahngLei Xue: "its obvious i will have no peace here"
Birch Devin: do you really think this is the best choice? a silver bullet to the head?
SahngLei Xue: "i shall seek other shelter for my dismissal"
Birch Devin: ....
SilverLeaf Zabaleta: "NONE OF US get peace here Lei"
SahngLei Xue starts to step off
Birch Devin growls "suicide is the cowards way out
Draven Piek sees Lei and stays silent
SahngLei Xue nods once "I dont expect to be followed"
SahngLei Xue then walks off
Birch Devin shakes her head and slumps her shoulder, looking to Mei's still body a tear slips down her face
SilverLeaf Zabaleta shouts: LEI STOP
bundy Razor lifts her red swollen face from mei's skirt and buries her head in her hands " Oh my god! whats happening to us" sobs hard
Birch Devin: I may have made a mistake coming to Tox...
Birch Devin: I thought I could find a home here,..
Birch Devin: ... family.
"..Where the hell is your people!" Nerissa screams suddenly, a flair of anger shown.
Birch Devin: but the family I thought I found keeps dying, leaving..
[21:24] Nerissa Dae glareds at the ryders around her.
bundy Razor cries even hard at hearing the demon
bundy Razor " its a curse *sobs* a curse"
Birch Devin growls and snaps at the demon she doesnt know "hell if I know... the world has turned upside down... the rain keeps coming, the water is rising, and everyone has gone insane"
Nerissa Dae bows her head, her tears falling on Mei's face as she presses her own against her's, hiding under the dark wet curls.
Birch Devin nods to Mei "What happened to her? Last night we were dancing and laughing, and now my "sister" lays dead on the floor...
Birch Devin: "
Nerissa Dae quickly looks up and sees Sev. Instantly she starts crying harder, unable to control herself anymore.
Severus Seversky wraps her in his strong pale arms, gently smoothing her silky curls with one large clawed hand, dark brows creased as he looks down upon his little one
Birch Devin looks up at the new demon
bundy Razor sobs harder as the scenario of this whole week pass in frot of her eyes
Birch Devin: I cant deal with this right now...
Nerissa Dae has never cried so hard before and now she seems broken even more, pressing back against him as she refuses to let go of Mei, shaking harder in his arms as she clings to her dearest friend.
bundy Razor sobs even more reminecing the good days
Birch Devin: I dont even know any of you,... I dont understand why I even care...
Birch Devin: This whole place is just... a nightmare.
Severus Seversky sighs heavily, continuing to soothingly stroke Neri, dark brows creased as he looks down upon the body in her arms
bundy Razor runs around the garage insanely throwing away everything on the floor and screaming
Nerissa Dae cradles Mei to herself, a hand lifted to her lips she bites down and breaks the skin for a well of red to bead up. She uses it to make a cross on her friend's forehead and whispers to her a prayer in hopes that her soul will finally be in peace, fighting the urge to snatch it and hoard it so she never looses her dearest friend..But she just continues to cry now and leans down to set her own the floor carefully, brushing her hair from her face before she turns and throws herself into Sev's towering frame.
Severus Seversky shakes his white maned head slightly, powerful arms tightening about his little one as though sensing what she wished, he presses soft soothing kisses to her brow
bundy Razor paused after making a mess in the garage eyes red and tears still flowing, looks down at mei then lifts her eyes to the sky blinking
Anjia Chuzen a white mist seems to surround her crumpled and dead form, her soul as it leaps from her body as it dives into Neri's stomach, a far away word, "Goodbye..."
A sharp gasp as she feels the warmth of Mei's presense slam into her stomach, Neri's belly flaring with blue the color of her eyes as the glow brightens. She takes upon her the soul with a hysterical sobbing, able to feel her. "...My soul will never stop hurtin' my sister heart.." she whispers and slumps as she lays her hands over her stomach..
Nerissa Dae runs her fingers over Mei's lifeless cheeks before she rises slowly, face utterly pale under her makeup streaking down her face.
bundy Razor leans on the counter covering her face in her hands and sobbing
Nerissa Dae looks back and turns to the woman standing. "Make sure she's properly buried..." Her hand touches her belly, stroking it, feeling Mei's soul inside her.
bundy Razor grabs her radio
Birch Devin growls low in her throat quiet and constant
She walked away..alone yet not alone..Holding something precious within her..