Not sure if the broken television will ever change its image. Or how long one will sit there staring at it blindly, shadows dark under the lifted eyes, a slight hollowness showing in soft youthful features. Neri had been in and out of Haven atleast four times since she'd arrived to the city and now she has herself tucked way in the back and just watching the skipping image of fuzzy snow and blurred images. She almost looked human again..almost. The ram curl of one set of horns still visible but the second set was hidden under the raggedy cap she had tugged down over her eyes nearly, the black hair peeking out looking unwashed. One would think she'd seen better days. The only time she spoke was to a Shadow she didn't know fairly rudely when he sat at her table earlier, now it seems she seeks solitude or just trying to escape herself. After a bit, her head falls sideways to rest against the back of that big couch but never does her eyes leave the television's screen. What did she see in it exactly? Memories? Just a mess?
When she yawns, she bares long fangs of glistening ivory, and then lids her eyes with a sadness slipping over her. Alone, it seems all she does is retreat into herself, barely responsive to those around her any more. Her small pale dirty hands moving in her lap like a butterfly with wet wings and unable to fly away.
Here she seems to finally drift off asleep with the thrum of music echoing in her bones with a longing for the one she gave up so much for. An ache to feel his strong pale arms around her as she tosses and turns in dreams without warning. To hold her and whisper words to her that makes her body relax. Tonight, she sleeps alone, again in exhaustion.
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