Does the blood of another cause memories of their past life linger in one's body even after they're gone? Or maybe pick up traits that might of been theirs and display them unknowingly? Neri's mind shifts through things, lost in her inner thighs, with a furrowed brow. She sighs, leaning on a hand, while sitting under the canopy of a palm tree and staring off again it looks like in posture. Or, she wanders to herself, have I always been this way? Wandering. Is wandering any different then running away? Her head lowers slowly until chin lightly rests on a shoulder, chewing at a lip gone dry and cracked a little. The air barely holds the chill of her body and her normal pale skin is almost translucent now under the fall of full day light. But inspite of this, she never feels a bit of that heat on her. Her eyes are restless as her body is, finally focusing on things before her, mostly around the ground, but not really 'seeing' what's there. This goes on for a bit, her losing herself for a few hours, sitting there hardly moving. Not even the tail which usually is seen to dance behind her wildly is stilled, lifeless, where it lies on the sand. After a bit of time she's standing up and then there's a small pop in the air as her body disappears effortlessly.
Later, that week...
Shadows part from one another, a body moving slowly along the empty rooms. Checking one at a time. The floors are littered with old news print, some leaves that managed to find their way in when the door had been locked tight and all windows proved to be sealed and sound. Before long, a pale blob shifts and pulls away to expose the demoness in her wandering, hand touching a wall and leaving a light smear as if the tips of her fingers are wet. Her steps echoing faintly through the house, sighing to herself as the head of red curls turns one way and the next, looking over everything. "I should of just stayed here.." she says to no one, just talking to herself or even the spirits that may once of inhabited it. "Sorry, guys..for bein' just another disappointment.." She gives a silent jerk of a humorless laugh. "Even to my dead parents I've never known."
Stopping in the middle of a narrow dark oak hallway, her body slides to the left until it strikes the wall beside her roughly in colliding, leaning with just a slight shift as she slides down it a bit. She lets her head fall against it then, the hard clatter of horns connecting echoing more then the first sound. " I've ruined everything. My life..others'...I've lost almost all my friends and ..." Her eyes drift closed as she feels the burn of tears threatening to spill. Taking a deep breath, she works to control herself for now. "...I wish you guys were alive..I need a mom..I need a dad..I need to know what the hell I'm doing anymore or what I'm going to do.." Slowly, her head rolls down and the brow horns dig into the paneling as she sniffs, hand disappearing up into the fall of her hair hanging down around her face. "..Everyone seems to die or I push them away. Or lose them because..." She quietens down and pushes herself up off the wall. "Mum...why did ya guys have to die?.." she asks in a choked whisper while she begins to stumble forward with feet dragging almost.

Through the house she makes her inspection and comes to an end. Maybe house is the wrong word. The factory was large, more then enough room for just her. Somewhere new to hide out? Her blue eyes slide around the largest room in the place, pupils a sliver of black in the overall blue field, barely none existant in the dark. She has some fingers tucked into the front pockets of her jeans, standing a little pigeon toed in a comfortable slouch. She can just imagine someone telling her straighten up. Then the memory of someone else climbs into her mind's eye to say 'Chin up.' Chin up...she feels as if she'll never be able to keep it up, unable to look at anyone for long, totally closed off.
Its been hard to hide this from many she manages to visit, the few that still ask her to come around. The others she is afraid to be around almost. And her growing angry because she gets afraid. The anger burns her stomach and standing there, the air around her chills slightly. A shift in the temperature for but a few minutes before it disappears. She almost looks normal standing there too. Almost...the horns crowning her brow and further back shout 'demon!' The hair that seems to hold light of its own so that it glows and glistens as it shifts around her shoulders and face. Atleast the tail has been hidden away and her skin is normal if not still so unsettling in its paleness. The light mapping of veins showing under the transluscent skin darkening slightly with the slow beating of her heart. The glasses stand out darker even if its possible for something black and her clothes are rumbled and dirty if not normal looking.
Slowly, she turns around and inspects the room again with a heavy sigh, nodding about something. "I guess..for now.." she says aloud. "Bed...need to find which storage holds my bed.." This way she continues, talking to herself. A habit that she'll never loose most likely for as long as she lives.
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