Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) snorts *Let me tell you ... I would never get here if she tried to continue the usual

Nerissa Dae looms over Nikki with her cold presense baring down on hir.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) looked over hir shoulders, faded for a second to merge behind neri with hir gun drawn

Athan Petrov grins "Oh look, troubles back"

Nerissa Dae growls at the man standing near the stairs, baring the needle like teeth covered in black ichor at him. "And who are you, cur?" She snarls with menace, not even bothering to pay mind now to Nikki with hir drawn gun.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) aims hir gun at the shadows neck *Au contré... Who are you...?*

Athan Petrov laughs "You should know, you took my soul"

Something around the small dark demon shifts and shadowy limbs strikes Nikki's weapons away from her back. "It is me you little fool! Your fuckin' elder! Draw guns on me again and I will render you in two!" She snarls at Nikki as she turns at the waist to look down at her with cold eyes.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) lowers hir gun slowly and snarls *Yea sorry, but lately something have disturbed my sensing, hence a bionic shortcircuited eye as well as recent events.*

Nerissa Dae waits little to return her attention back to Athan though and laughs. "Ah...You look different then the furry ass snot you usually are. Do you wish your soul back now?" She asks touching the glowing crystal at her hip, the pulsing of life felt by any that is sensitive to such things.

Athan Petrov: Not like i'd have a use for it...If you hadn't noticed my remains in the corner, i'm dead...

Nerissa Dae snorts through her nose, the childish features hidden behind the mask, the dark skin giving nothing away of what once way the quiet gentle demon of before. "Always getting into trouble, cur. Serves ya right it does." She cackles and grasps the crystal from her hip, breaking whatever it was that held it to her body. "Then you've no choice but to be what ya was once before and no longer my cousin but my brother." She tells Athan as ichor drops from her chin.

Athan Petrov steps closer, his eyes narrowed at Neri "What are you talking about and what has made you start acting like this?"

Elroy Brouwer mews "Hyies.."

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) waves to El

Nerissa Dae turns and heads for the corpse as she starts uttering words of a demonic origin, something never before heard from the young demon's lips as she advances on Athan's dead body. The crystal begins to glow, the shadows shifting around her as they start to begin pulling in towards her small dark form even as the room grows colder. "You'd best hope father never finds out about this, Athan..." She growls with anger staining her incantion as she starts to instill demonic energy into the soul within the crystal, contaminating Athan's spirit she had torn from his body days earlier.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) slowly withdrew as shi was dragged along with the taking of the shadows while shi snorted a couple of times

Elroy Brouwer raises an eyebrow looking between th three of them "Uhm.. what is going on here?"

Athan Petrov steps forward again "Wh...What are you doing?"

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) looks to El *She's raising Athan it seems... and I am not going near... That's certain death for the likes of me...*

Elroy Brouwer looks to Nikki "Ain't that good?"she asks hir.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) waves El over *It's good for the Coven, but when Neri starts playing, I hide... She's my dimentral opposition right now, and I am not risking death unless it's needed...*

Elroy Brouwer nods slowly as she turns to look at Neri but keeps quiet not wanting to disturb her.

Athan Petrov sighs "Might be good but i'll become..." he stops before finishing his sentence

Elroy Brouwer looks up to Athan waiting for him to finish his sentence.

Nerissa Dae ignores the chatter as her words twists almost obscenely, the crystal turning dark in her hand. She holds her small taloned hand over it and something is pulled free of it, what was pale and gauzy pale, Athan's soul comes out now twisted and dark with red threads enterlaced within the filaments, drawing her hand back to pull it free of its vessel to return it to the corpses' body once more. She grins, knowing full well that the pain that this will bring him is going to be a joy to watch for her and she goes to stoop over him, shoving her hand into his chest cavity once more as if its nothing more then water to implant it where it once was housed, continuing the demonic binding that will put it back and make him once more a demon again. It doesn't stop there though. She pulls her arm out, leaving behind crystals of frost on his clothing and fur, and reaches for his muzzle to pry open so she can get his mouth open before she jerks out a knife and slices open her own wrist, spilling her own unique blood the dead lycan's mawl to obliderate all that he was and make him reborn into her brother and the blood line of a Dagger.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) paced a bit near the ward while shi kept a close eye on the ceremony ((Litterally one eye)) while shi bared hir fangs faintly

Elroy Brouwer eyes widen as she looks at Neri performing some kind of ritual she has never seen before.

Nerissa Dae 's shoulders begin to shake before it comes out that she's laughing cruely. She pushes herself to her feet slowly, the pregnancy making her slow still, the dark twisted demon stepping away to let the change take effect now as if she's just going to enjoy some movie on the telie over his head while slapping her hands together gleefully. "This is going to be so fun!"

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) narrowed hir eye as if to prepare to countereffect an areaspell towards hir while shi paced around

The wards do not respond to the menacing ways of what has happened. There is no true violence. Athan was already dead. The twisted demon that is Nerissa bringing him back to life even though through a terrible manner. Now, as if sensing the way people are reacting to her, Neri turns and snarls at Nikki, "Would ya rather he remain dead!?" she snaps viciously as the shadows dance under her skirt to hide what appears to be a pale face peaking out from under it.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) responded faintly *No of course not... Please do continue...* shi started to relax more, yet still shi remained observant

Elroy Brouwer just stares in Karens eyes as she listens to what is happening behind her.

Nerissa Dae lifts her chin "Is that the one that has been annoyin' the shop?" she snarls quietly as the black ichor spills down her chin.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) nods *If that's how you wish to put it Elder...*

Nerissa Dae snorts and turns away. "She has been told to come back after she's been in the city for a few days." The demon turns back to Athan's corspe, patiently waiting.

Persephone Rhode blinks up at the creature in front of her, meekly "Hello"

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) turns to walk out to the front *I am right back...*

Elroy Brouwer keeps silent watching Neri and Athans body wondering what will happen.

Athan Petrov 's host suddenly falls to the ground with force like an empty shell seconds after his chest moves out as if something was pulled from the body. The head and torso in the corner of the room slowly move together, the tendons, flesh and ligaments that previously connected the two that were torn in the attack rebuilding to connect the head and torso together, the tendons and flesh moving along the ground as if crawling to close the gap between the two body parts before finally completing the reconstruction of most of his neck and shoulders. The bones stretch with a hideous noise that echoes in the room to recreate the bones that were broken or completely removed from the attack while his head changes shape, the muzzle seeming to be pushed back into his skull as his shadowy eyes flash open and screams of agony and pain from the change leave his mouth. His arms and legs doing a similar thing as his neck did and more cracking, squelching and flesh tearing as the rest of his body begins to rebuild itself and change back into the form he held before the wolf incident, his hands become smaller, though still clawed and his legs straighten completely to a more natural angle and pose. More screams escape his mouth during the change, the fur falling completely off the remains and more cracks follow as his ribcage shifts back into a more human position, previously pushed outwards by the change into the wolf.

Persephone Rhode stares at the winged being

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) looked to Soap while shi paced around *Can I help...?*

Persephone Rhode peeks into the door of the shop

Elroy Brouwer looks horrified by what she sees happening to Athans body, her feet feel like there melted to the ground making her unable to move an inch, her eyes almost popping out of her skull, chin hanging on her chest as she mouth makes an big *O* but no sounds coming out.

There a squeal of delight from the small dark clad figure, the tail jerking about as the shadows swirl around in a crazy dervish. Neri seems estatic to see her results come out so beautiful, her third creation to bring to the family. The young demon herself growls low and continues to watch with a grin that twists her lips as she waits to see what she's created as Athan comes back to life while she takes a step away to protect herself perhaps, tail jerking side to side while she sets the soul shard back to her skirt's belts.

Persephone Rhode sniffs, walks back outside

Nerissa Dae turns her head and sees a stark of white shimmer through the wards of the doorway. There's a growl from the young demon and she shifts, moving towards it to see who's within the shop itself personally, without entering it or addressing just yet.

Nerissa Dae turns and casts her black eyes over her shoulder. "El. Who is this male in our shop? " She hisses quietly to the covenite.

Elroy Brouwer stares at Athan as he comes to life, feeling somewhat happy though not sure if she should be, as she turns to Neri shaking her head "I have no idea Neri."

Soap Clawtooth turned his head toward what sniffed to him like a mutant and gave a smile whiel browsing the various thrift that the store had to offer. He had never been a protagonist of voodoo, but the religion had been good for some natural remedies to problems and so it was never outside of his purview to consider voodoo as a solution to problems. 'I am looking for a natural remedy,' he relplied, his tone soft and calm. 'For dimentia,' he added and smiled again.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) nodded slowly while shi paced around, seemingly in a deeper thought about the request mentioned by the angel before hir *Hmm... Let me check that, since I am no droid...*

Persephone Rhode shuffles the tarot deck

Soap Clawtooth smiled and and waited, noting the shark's tail of the mutant and a look of mild concern growing on his face. A mutation naturally? He wondered, or Dagon's handy work. His eyes flicked to the beaded curtain and he noticed people in the back, coven members, most likely, but paid it little heed.

Nerissa Dae watches the blue skin male in the shop and finally turns away as if bored with it to return her attention to Athan again, a severely twisted grin displayed to show the needle like teeth. "Father will be so proud of me." She watches for a moment longer her newly created brother and nods. "Shows over Kitten. But safe?...." She utters a strange chuckle and turns again, heading to the warded doorway. [[repost and changed for Athan.]]

Katana Mayako slowly eases his way inside after some thought and with a lost look on his face, crouches down pulling out a map of what seems to be a forest, looking it over again

Persephone Rhode looks at the creature in front of her "Hi"

Katana Mayako looks up out of his thoughts looking around confused

Persephone Rhode thumbs through a book of spells, while mumbling under her breath

Katana Mayako: ...hi?....

Athan Petrov screams again, climbing onto his knees as he continues to change, shadows begin to appear from his back, forcing their way through his flesh to create tentacles on his back, his tail appears once again as he kneels there and now holds his head as new horns force their way out from his skull

Soap Clawtooth raised his eyebrows at the scream that issued from the rear of the shop. 'Sounds like someone needs an 'oliday,' he muttered to nobody in particular.

Nerissa Dae wanders back into the shop, looking the two males standing and loitering, as she sees it. The sound of screaming seems to make her giggle unnaturally, the young demon smiling for a moment before she turns to address the most recent to arrive, the male to her left she's staring at. "Can I help you?" She says almost coldly as the air around her holds.

Katana Mayako mutters the greeting back at the next person walking in, standing up he folds his map up sloppily cramming it in his pocket and looks around paying more attention to his suroundings finally

Elroy Brouwer slowly walks over to Athan as she sees him change "Everything alright?" she asks him as she stops by his side.

Katana Mayako looks the being over slowly with uncertainty responding 'Is lost... lose mate, lose forest, and map have symbols on that Kat not know.....'

Katana Mayako sighs frustrated and goes on 'Where is Kat, what this place can tell ?

Soap Clawtooth drew on his cigarette and studied the woman before him. He sensed a demon but also sensed that something wasn't entirely right, either. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. His thoughts turned to the alchemic circle outside and then back to the goings on surrounding the fish Co and the Shadow Pit and mused to himself.

Nerissa Dae snorts rudely. "You are in the diseased city of Toxia. There is no forest here. All died long time ago when man got greedy and started dumpin' crap." She growls at him and lifts her chin. "Where is it you look for?"

Athan Petrov tries to climb to his feet and looks up to El, thinking the change was over, he growls as the tentacles on his back flail rapidly "What you fuckin' think?" he growls out before rushing to the door barely at his feet, knocking El out of the way before running through the ward, over the counter and disappearing through the door

Katana Mayako pulls his map back out looking at it again and shrugs pointing to a spot on it as he tips it to show you better. The place on the map seems to be of a forest that probably hasn't existed for centuries by now, and rather frustrated replies 'That is where must take mate.. they say.. but, Kat walk everywhere, over land, never find....'

Soap Clawtooth moved to the doorway and took the cigarette from between his lips, blowing the smoke outside. He looked to the dark demon next to him. 'I see you got one too,' he commented idly, placing the cigarette back in his mouth for another drag.

Elroy Brouwer growls at Athan as he pushes her aside and watches him run out, she turns around to look into the shop seeing several people standing there she moves over to the counter a little irritated "Hi.. anyone i can help, if not please leave."

Katana Mayako's attention wander to the counter slowly his eyes gazing over all the stuff around it and the person standing there 'Whatdo sell here?'

Nerissa Dae 's head turns a little as if aware that the one behind her moves closer to her, a low growl of warning issues before she erupts into another chortle as she watches Athan sprint through the door out into the streets. She turns back to look at the map then suddenly, rudely, snatches it from the stranger to look at it with a snarl as from her chin drips black ichor. "Of course we got one. The portals are every where." She growls, annoyed more by the comment made by the male behind her while she tries to make sense of the map before she snarls. "Where did you get this?"

Soap Clawtooth turned his head back to the woman who had entered. 'Well, a fine welcome for a shop,' he replied with a smile. 'I was just looking for a natural remedy for dimentia,' he said. 'A friend of mine was silly enough to go and touch Dagon's handy work by the old tank.' His tone was casual and nonthreatening, but his eyes keeps warding to the dark demon with the tentacles.

Soap Clawtooth raisd his eyebrows to the dark demon. 'Not everywhere,' he said. 'Only in....strategic locations, eh?' he nodded and grinned.

Elroy Brouwer looks irritated to Katana "If you don't know what we sell here, i say open youre eyes and look around."

Nerissa Dae thrusts an arm out to the counter. "There, kitten. In a drawer to the right." She growls and then looks up at the one before, the face hidden behind the death mask.

Katana Mayako shrugs his shoulders 'Kat no remember now... was too long finding it already...'

"We are a metaphysical bookstore. We sell herbs, potions and the likes. Remove curses. Spells and other thinks of that nature." Says the small demoness.

Elroy Brouwer shakes her head not wanting to deal with costumers at the moment and walks back into the room she came from.

Katana Mayako raises an eyebrow as he looks again, biting his lip a moment resisting the urge to sak, buten mumbles 'What'...

Soap Clawtooth's brow furrowed. 'Seems everyone's not entirely happy,' he began. 'Trouble at the inn?' he asked of the dark demon, still unable to quite place what was out of place.

Nerissa Dae thrusts the map back at the male infront of her and turns herself so that each stands on either side and not front and back to see them better while her tail jerks side to side viciously. "Can't rely on anyone in this place half the time." She snarls and goes to take care of the customer's order itself. "How badly is this dementia?" She asks in a cold manner.

Soap Clawtooth's eyes flicked toward the impatient demon. 'You tell me,' he muttered inaudibly and then spoke up to say. 'Nonsensicle, drunken appearance, doesn't really register people around her and rarely makes sense whens he speaks,' he said, lying about the sex of the one involved at least.

Katana Mayako approaches the counter looking everything over closely, his eyes widening as if he never saw anything of ths nature before, his large claw reaches out but resists the urge to touch anything. He turns his head to look at the other person, and catching the cool demeanor from him tries to mimic them and eases his shoulders uncomfortable bobboing his head, and with a nail starts to thumb through whatever book infront of him as if he knew EXACTLY what it was at least in his own mind blending in

Katana Mayako: Book, yess.. Kat like taste of purple one... *forces a pathetic smile*

Its hard to say if she scowls or frowns listening to the pale blue skinned one but she grows silent as she bends down to gather things from behind the counter and prepare something needed. "So this one touched the stuff growin' off the tank I take it." Neri states while she works, seemingly appearing as if she knows exactly what it is she's doing, she works quickly as she mixes up the ingredients right there infront of the winged male. It takes little time and then she dumps it all into the center of a sheet of vellum that she folds carefully into a packet, using nothing to seal it but carefully lipped into a seam itself tightly with cold fingers that frosts the paper itself once done. The masked face raises to look at him and she holds it out between two clasping taloned fingertips, " What do you trade for it or offer as payment?" She asks in a lifeless tone.

Soap Clawtooth grinned. Oh what a question, he thought to himself. He produced a stone of fair size from his breast pocket that he had been concocting over the last day, replicating a seal against Dagon's wickedness that a fellow Demon had been devising. He was not against....borrowing ideas occasionally. 'This,' he said, turning to place the stone on the counter. 'It's a ward against Dagon's influence and power,' he said. He then made a big display of looking around the shop. 'Place like this could do with it, you know. He seeks out places like this. Religions, magical orders, anything that resembles spirituality and worship not of him, really,' he explained casually, relaxed. 'Could be useful for ya.' He gave a nonchalant smile.

Nerissa Dae 's free hand lifts and the stone jerks off the counter into the small palm with a firm smack of impact, curiousity undoubtedly given over. She doesn't give over the potion just yet as she inspects the stone, getting a 'feel' of its properties while it seems the glistening eyes remain on the one at the door. "This store stands on a focal point of power. Like the Pit. I'm also one of the original gatherin's that happened to stop Dagon from entering the world the last time he was summoned...." She finally shrugs and snaps her wrist, tossing the packet at the man. "Here. Come back and explain further how it works and all debts paid off. " Speaks the cold encased demon.

Soap Clawtooth grinned. 'I'm smokin',' he replied. 'It's rude to smoke indoors.' In point of fact he just felt comfier by he door, meant that he could get away quicker. The boss wouldn't be too pleased to find that he had become a fishy mutant for a Lesser Failed Deity like Dagon. 'And yeah, I know about Dagon trying to come through last time,' he said. He decided to play ignorance on this one. He had been in Gaza the first time Dagon had appeared and in Innsmouth the second time. 'Fails every time, from what I hear,' he said. 'Though I'm sure he'll 'ave remembered you. He might be a failure, but he 'as a chip on 'is shoulder and 'is memory is long,' he replied. Looking down at the bag she had tossed to his feet. He looked back up at the demon and gave a knowing smile.

Nerissa Dae shrugs with indifference as she drops the stone into a compartment instead of pocketing it, as if she doesn't trust the guy herself. "Who knows. I was different then. As different as I was two days ago." She states then she tells him. "Drop it in orange juice. Not hot water or tea. Got it? They'll pass out for a few hours and sleep but when they'll wake up, they'll come back to their senses. The headache, just tell them to pop a couple of asprin."

Soap Clawtooth reached down and pulled the sleeve of his coat over his hand before grasping at the bag and then pocketing it. In light of all that was happening, tentacles on Demons came across as odd to him and didn't trust it at all. 'Cheers,' he said. He stepped forward and paused, looking over his shoulder at the strange demon. 'You'll fail, you know.' came the non sequitur. 'He'll fail. Just like last time, and the time before that,' he paused and made a show of musing. 'oh, and the time before that,' he grinned wickedly.

Nerissa Dae snorts as she begins to tidy up. Inspite the twisted manner of the small shadow figure, the demon still takes time to clean the mess up she created, saying to him without looking up. "We will do what we need to do to protect the Coven." she hisses without emotions, a hint of white wispy hairs peaking out under her hood shows against her lower jaw line when she leans down to close a draw. " No one knows the future for there's many branches. "

Soap Clawtooth grinned. Smart answer, he thought. For once. He turned back to the dark demon and shook his head. 'If you say so,' he said and gave her a knowing look. He said no more, however and exited. Just as with the Fish Co. and The Shadow Pit, it seemed to him that Dagon had already knocked on the door of the Voodoo shop and that someone had answered...

Nerissa Dae draws out from behind the counter to come around, though its the window she heads for and not the door, with a side glance towards the unknown male.

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