Tuesday, February 17, 2009


She stands on the doorsteps of the shop as the wind tugs the silver threads across her face, tangling the black lace at her throat, sometimes kicked up to catch at a curl of one of the black horns that shines. Sighing, she looks back behind her at the portal, her skin broken with goosebumps. It gave Nerissa the willies and her stomach was twisted terribly that she always felt ill now when around the shop.

Finally, after two long days of hard work, she got her charms back into place, the only one not broken was the one she carefully set at her stomach. The seal pulsed with a life its on even as the life within shifted and twisted every now and then against the tight flesh held behind her corset. This was the last day she was going to be able to visit the shop after sunday's meeting.

The sudden appearance of the ShadowMan dropping into the circle while they held their meeting led to a panic. She had such a hard time getting to her hooved feet even as she could hear Calleigh and Athan screaming for her to run and get out of the building when she could feel something in the air happening behind her. Hackles risen, she was dizzy and tripped at the end of the stairs, slamming into the wall as she felt suddenly weakened. It took a manual beating of her own horned head into her horned head into the wall to clear it and a sudden spoken spell to block what was happening and then Neri was racing through the back room and through the ward to escape through the shop as she heard her Family upstairs screaming and shouting at what could only of been Quiet at one time and then she's out.

On the beach she went and there she stood, blood dripping down her pale face as she stared at the voodoo shoppe with large glistening black orbs, trembling as she held herself and crying harshly. For once in her life she didn't know what to do. She was in a panic and she didn't know what to do or where to go. The one place she thought safe no longer could offer her haven as something ominous seemed to come from there, later this morning it proved to be some artifact now stood in our pentagram and she no longer could enter the shop.

Today was the last day Neri was able to enter Toxia and she was going to miss what little friends she had...there was no one there for her to say goodbye too. So she turned and without a word passed through the thin veil to travel the shadow lands to go be with her mother and father.

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