Vulcan Dagger: jessa..we're going to need you to do this
Nerissa Dae tries to get comfy as she lies back, glancing at Vulcan and then Jessa.
Jessa Alba: Have you been having contractions ?
Vulcan Dagger: We need to induce labor
Nerissa Dae: ..No...I need you get either a drug called Oxytocin or a PIP drip...Petocin IV.
Jessa Alba: That I can do . Let me get the necessary means. And for just in case purposes are you wanting to do a c-section or do you want to do this naturally ?
Nerissa Dae looks down at her body and bites her lip. "Not sure me using my own magick to force it would be safe to do..." She looks quickly. "Don't think we'll have trouble, I hope. So naturally.."
Jessa Alba: Very well then .
Nerissa Dae chews on the inside of her cheek as she sets her hands on her stomach, rubbing around it.
Jessa Alba rubs her arm with and alcohols swab and injects the needle into the top of her wrist , This should calm you a bit as well, just your nerves , nothing else.
Jessa Alba: This is going to cause you to dialate , once we get to about 7 centimeters we will be able to begin the process, if the inducing drugs take affect properly .
Nerissa Dae nods a she tries not to tense up as she watches the needle being shoved into her skin and strapped down with tape. She looks up at Vulcan again as she draws her legs up, knees folding.
Vulcan Dagger reaches down, gently taking her hand
Jessa Alba: Just relax , this takes a bit to get through the body .
Jessa Alba: Have you thought about a name yet ?
Nerissa Dae clutches his hand, showing how scared she is, but she rests her head back and touches her stomach with the other. "Yeah..already gotta name.."
Nerissa Dae shivers a little as she feels the drug hitting her system, glancing up at the drip, as she waits for it to start taking effect.
Jessa Alba smiles at her " Thats wonderful . " :: she checks her pulse and looks over at the heart rate monitor (( pretend there is one )) " Normal " "IM going to place this over your stomach , its going to feel a bit warm , but it will let us monitor your contractions. Its just a blanket really . "
Jessa Alba: " I know its a bit heavy , but once you are dialated, IM going to want you to push on a contraction , and breathe inbetween , you can listen to me , or you can watch the monitor , whatever you are more comfortable with .
Jessa Alba: The drug usually only takes about a half an hour to work , are you going to want an epidural , or full on natural birth ?
Nerissa Dae nods as she watches Jessa, fingers gently squeezing Vulcan's as if needing the reassurance of him there. "No more drugs then I have to..unless my own power flakes out and flairs up, then we'll be fine.."
Vulcan Dagger strokes his palm across her forehead as he leans over the bed, holding her hand
Jessa Alba smiles as she goes to wash her hands " Let me know when your contrations start getting closer , and IM going to check to see if we have any dialation yet . "
Vulcan Dagger: It will be alright..
Vulcan Dagger leans closer and presses his lips to her brow
Nerissa Dae runs her tongue against her lip as she looks up at him again with a small furrow between her brows. The warmth of his lips makes her body relax though her fingers clench around his hand.
Jessa Alba pullls the covers up from her feet to her knees , as if tented in front of her " Ok , sorry if my hands are cold , I just washed them .. :: slips on a pair of plastic gloves :: IM going to check your cervix for dialation, shouldnt be too uncomfortable. "
Nerissa Dae 's jaw clenches a little suddenly and she clutches his fingers. She nods and tries not to think about what needs to be done, a small hint of pain showing in her eyes.
Nerissa Dae: Like I would even notice cold hands, Jessa. I'm always cold..well..89% of my body is..
Nerissa Dae utters a small nervous giggle.
Jessa Alba looks at the paper feeding out of the machine " Your contractions are small , perhaps just a back ache at the moment but you are at about four centimeters dialated , shoudlnt be too much longer , :: she giggles :: Well I wanted to warn ya , cold hands make me jump like crazy . "
Nerissa Dae glances over at Jessa and gives a small smile, small muscle tremors taking ahold of her. "My water's not even broken yet...maybe I should do that myself?"
Nerissa Dae: It might make it go faster...
Vulcan Dagger listens silently
Jessa Alba: " So what name did you choose:: she smiles :: " I was trying to figure this out the other day , if you have this baby , im going to be a great aunt . Thats gonna make me sound old now. (( and doh , water breaking ... gah see , I just woke up . ))
Nerissa Dae squeezes Vulcan's hand as she feels the discomfort of the labors hitting her. "..Rowan.." she murmurs as she looks up at him.
Vulcan Dagger closes his eyes for a moment as he holds Nerissa's hand, feeling her squeeze
Jessa Alba: " I have this thing with names ... I have to read them backwards , I dont know what it is , but this childs name ... backwards.... spells out Nuuuuu! war . " Thats pretty honorable " ok now relax this shouldnt hurt at all , im going to break your water, so we can get this started. "
Nerissa Dae looks over at Jessa and blushes. "Better grab more towels before ya do." She tries so hard to make light of the situation, not just for herself.
Nerissa Dae closes her eyes as her face shifts a little with the odd feelings running through her abdomen. "I should be use to pain..I go through a lot to prove I'm not as frail ...as I look.."
Jessa Alba reaches over the the bed behind her and grabs an extra sheet and lays it at the end of the bed , grabs neri softy by her ankles " Im going to need you to slide towards me a bit honey , placing your body at the far end of the bed as you would at the gynochologist, give me just a bit of haning off room and place your feet in the stirrups , there sould be Nuuuuu! mess , tehre is a catching bag comign off of the back of the bed made just for these purposes , yay for evolvment . Im going to break your water , and you will feel a slight pinch , but please dont worry about the mess or be embarrassed , it will only run off the end of the bed and into the bag to be properly disposed of after we are through , things are run very sterile these days . "
Nerissa Dae bites her lip and gives a small nod. She grasps the railing one handed and scoots her body down towards the foot of the bed, making a small sound under her breath as a slightly more noticable pain shoots through her. She takes a breath and lets it out as she gets herself within reach of Jessa, slipping her feet into the stirrups where her small toes curls over the tops.
Jessa Alba puts little booties on her feet " This is so your feet dont get cold , after all its the little things that matter " :: she sits down on the chair and slides neri just a bit closer to her :: " Ok just relax, this will only take a
second , and then your contracitons should soon follow. :: she places a tool to spread open her cervix and turns the dial on it so she has enough open room to slide in the instrument " Sorry I knwo this thing is uncomfortable" :: she penetrates the cervix with a needle and the ambiotic fluid starts to flow out slowly :: " This is wehre you need to be ready my dear, the contractions will be coming shortly , and you will need to breathe inbetween , and push when you are having them . Try not to push until you are totally dialated , I will let you know when we are ready to begin , just focus on your breathing . "
Jessa Alba: " Are you ok , do you need anything , any pain ... "
Vulcan Dagger looks down at Neri as he massages her hand, stroking his palm over her forehead
Jessa Alba goes to wash her hands again , s he takes off the gloves and disposes them it the trash , and places the needle in the hazard box above the sink .
Nerissa Dae slowly breaths as she grips the stirrups by her toes, knees bent so she's down as far as she can go. She closes her eyes again as she lies there and tries not to fret, a small shimmer of runes beginning to glow every so often from her nervousness over her pale limbs, a small sound made as she feels something inside her scraping then a wash of hot moisture trickling before it suddenly gushes out of her uterus into the bag at the end of the bed. She shakes her head quickly, "I'm alright." she tells her, eyes remaining closed tightly.
Jessa Alba grabs a cup of ice chips and a plastic spoon and hands it to vulcan " She cant have anything to drink but she can suck on this if she needs to wet her lips "
Vulcan Dagger dangles the ice over Neri's lips as he whisper's jokingly " You hear that Neri...she said you can suck on this.."
Jessa Alba looks at the machines again and grabs her wrist , while looking at her watch and lets the two talk for a bit before she checks on her dialation again
Disturbed Petion can hear vulcans voice and laughs...
Jessa Alba: " your pulse seems fine dear , as does the babies. "
Nerissa Dae looks up at Vulcan and gives him a soft smile, the ice melting under his finger tips onto her lips as they show signs of drying out from her breathing.
Vulcan Dagger slips the ice into her mouth
Jessa Alba: " Feeling anything yet dear , about now you should be feeling slightly tense during contractions .. they will be slight , but they will wake your ass up . "
Nerissa Dae gives a small grimace as if the pain of the contractions have gotten a little more noticable. She gives a small 'mhmm!' in response, a little high pitched.
Jessa Alba laughs " Heh , and this is just the beginning " : she sits back down to check her dialation again : " once again I know this is uncomfortable but it only takes a second. "
Nerissa Dae nods as she holds her breath and waits for Jessa, fingers clenching and relaxing again. "Its alright.."
Jessa Alba: " Is this your first child ? You seem to be moving along rather quickly , we are at about 6 cm now , this just may go smoother than I thought.. very rapid though .. almost odd , but this could be a good thing , I mean who wants to be here for 20 hours and end up giving a dry birth eh .. "
Jessa Alba: " You look nervous brother , don't worry , I will take good care of her . "
Nerissa Dae looks down at Jessa and nods as she takes slow breaths in and out. " What do ya expect? Not exactly normal myself.." She tells her and gives a small laugh before she tenses up as if she was hit with a very painful contraction out of the blue. She clamps down her jaws and tries to ride it out in silence, glancing at him with a furrowed brow.
Jessa Alba: " Yes, I didnt expect for this to be a normal birth at all , but your progression is almost shocking" : reaches between neri's legs and and checks her again , not much of a change this time but we are at eight :: her eyes narrow at the opening in her cervix as she pulls her hand away astounded .
Jessa Alba goes back to the machine again and check on the paper flowing out showing the timing between contractions " It seems we are at about 5 mins apart would you say ? "
Jessa Alba checks the IV , and switches it out replacing the drugs with saline as labor has begun .
Jessa Alba wipes her forehead with a cool cloth
Nerissa Dae opens her mouth and a small bubble of white comes up before she clamps her mouth shut around the raw arcanum trying to slip free. She had let control slip for a brief moment and only when the shimmering of the sigils on her stop shifting with ghostly pale shimmering does she speak. " Don't jinx me.." She tries to chide her with a small laugh that sounds strained.
Jessa Alba goes back to her chair , " Well according to this , you are ready to go , let me check you again ... " are you ready for this "
Nerissa Dae is panting quickly now and snorts. "What if I said no?" She trembles and clenches Vulcan's hand as the contractions begin to come closer together, making her muscles tense up along her thighs. The discomfort of the baby dropping down, a pressure in her pelvis makes her face scrunch up in pain.
Jessa Alba pulls the sheet back again and tries not to show a shocked look on her face as she see's that she is already at ten centimeters, " Well honey , your body is ready when you are ." : she says calmly : " Just remember, to push WITH the contractions and breathe inbetween , once I see the head crowning , I will let you know and we will do a few big pushes to get the shoulders out and then the baby , should just slide right out. I am ready to begin when you are my dear :: she places a soft blanket in her lap preparing to catch the baby when it comes , she makes sure she has everything ready , she gets up to go get a new set of gloves and then checks the machine one more time .
Nerissa Dae nods a little quickly, moisture collecting at the corners of her eyes to spill like diamond drops as they freeze and fall away from her skin. Her body will clench up with each new ripple of pain shooting down her pelvis, the strain of the birthing showing as she lies there on the bed. She turns her head, watching Jessa moving around, as if she needs the distraction from the incredible pain she might be experiencing. "Its...fine.." She says between heavy breathings.
Jessa Alba starts to talk to her just to get her to relax " Theres a full moon coming up , and I had a tarot reading yesterday , it was so spot on , I'll have to tell you about it later . It was eerie even . :: checks to see if the babies head is crowning :: "this one seems pretty comfortable in there , you must have given a good home " she giggles softly
Jessa Alba laughs " Just how you always imagined it eh, giving birth , gunfire in the background ... " shrugs
Nerissa Dae closes her eyes tightly as another contraction hits her and utters an inhuman growl without warning. Her fingers clenches down on Vulcan's against and utters, " I use to d..do that...readin's of the cards." She whimpers in pain sharply and the hand holding the iv drip clutches at the blanket over her thighs.
Jessa Alba: " you did? I would love to get a reading from you somtimes to see if its par to the one I got . "
Jessa Alba glances at vulcan a second " I told him about mine, it kinda patterned a few things he said , it was a bit odd. " Something about the number three was brought up alot and he had said that just the ohter day . Kinda freaked me out a bit . "
Nerissa Dae tries to laugh, saying, "There's...so many alternate paths..Did ya know...it..its not good to..do yer own..readings?" She grits her teeth as another growl slips free as the pain in her pelvis turns stronger with the baby baring down in the canal. "...Triple..Goddess...Holy Tri..trinity..Three is..a powerful.Number.."
Jessa Alba: " yes , yes , they had both said that . It was very odd. "
Nerissa Dae: ".I..think there are thre.e..equinoxes..and th..three solistices ..to a lunar ..calendar..."
Jessa Alba: " I dont know much about it , but im sure gonna pay attention to it . "
Nerissa Dae bares her teeth and utters a small cry, sitting up almost, without warning. She draws a breath, trying to calm herself as the monitor glitches with a savage spike on the paper. "..Rowan...the tree...they use to .." She pants heavily. "..use to plant it near gates..and doors..to ward off evil...The..the druids called it..The Whispering Tree.."
Jessa Alba: I still think its cool that you are bringing someone into our family with the name Rowan .... to me it really does say n o war .... I love things like that , to mix up the letters adn see what they say .
Nerissa Dae listens to the sounds of gunfire outside the hospital and the monitors give several beeps and odd sounds as the pain intensifies, as if she's affecting them. She looks down at Jessa again, trying to control her fear.
Strike Kumsung raises a brow.
Jessa Alba glances over at the lycan " Yes ? "
Strike Kumsung shrugs as he takes his cloak off. "heard something important was happening...thought i'd take a look.."
Jessa Alba smiles " We have a new life upon us soon ."
Nerissa Dae grips the bed railing as she pants through her contractions. She glances over, white curls clinging to her damp skin. "N..no..nothing..import..ant.." She tries to say.
Strike Kumsung closes his eyes as the black skin flows off of him, beads of water pouring off of him as the ice melts. "oh god V's hellspawn is coming into the world" he says snickering.
Nerissa Dae flips Strike off, since she's using the pillows behind her and can't launch them at him.
Strike Kumsung looks at nerrissa smiling. "here i'll do it for you" he says as he holds his hand out, a spike of ice flowing suddenly as he then turns ramming it into his stomach. "happy?"
Nerissa Dae 's eyes flare white blue as the pain hits her every few seconds, shaking her head while she grips the railing tighter. "..No..." she blurts out and growls loud as the pain hits again.
Strike Kumsung sighs walking over to her as he takes her hand. "squeeze alright?"
Nerissa Dae flinches at his touch, her skin colder and now clammy from labor. His doom when he grips her free hand, the taloned tips curling into his flesh as she unconsciously clenches it when a contraction hits her.
Strike Kumsung grimaces slightly as he looks at her. "jessa...do me a favor......get some ice..."
Lawrence Brun laughs in a deep voice "I am born of the king of the fire himself!"
Nerissa Dae grits her teeth again in pain, a vicious growl coming from the young demon. She grips hands, because V's still there. NODS. Sigils on her body pulsing intensely as she loses some control over herself.
Nerissa Dae looks to her right at him, seeing the tips of her talons in his skin, and quickly lets go of his hand while she tries to get through the pain.
Strike Kumsung looks at her as he flexes his hand.
Nerissa Dae closes her eyes as she breaths heavily, shutting off the intense glowing of arcanum burning strongly within her. She grits her teeth and growls as another contraction hits her, making the monitors spike and glitch erractically.
Jessa Alba: " How are you feeling hun "
Nerissa Dae turns eyes tearing up from the pain, teeth gritting a little. "Feels like he's trying to crawl back up inside me.."
Jessa Alba hopes she doesnt wreak of smoke too badly
Jessa Alba: Well I think we may have gone too far to try to stop the birth processas of now , so .. we should just take precaustions
Nerissa Dae nods as she continues gripping the covers while
she lies there.
Strike Kumsung looks on at as he walks across the room looking out the window.
Jessa Alba smiles as V returns with his coffe
Jessa Alba: " She's doing well . "
Vulcan Dagger sighs with relief
Nerissa Dae screams finally and shouts. "I'm fuckin' pushing damn it!" She nearly shreds the covers on either side of her. "Doin' well my ass!"
Vulcan Dagger: oh...I can see
Strike Kumsung sighs. "reminds of when bass was born...."
Jessa Alba laughs "Like I said she's doing well , she's gonna be a bit ... well cantankeous here for the next few ... but other htan that , she's ok . "
Vulcan Dagger: I will reframe from taking her hand for this part of the process
Jessa Alba: " Probably a good idea . "
Jessa Alba: " Neri honey , are you ready , we can do this as soon as you give me the word , this lil one's ready to start celebrating its birthday . "
Nerissa Dae bites her lip hard enough to draw beads of blood when she nods her head savagely as she looks to Jessa. "Now...before he d..decides to..crawl back up!" she whimpers.
Jessa Alba she pulls the sheet up once again , seeing that her cervix is fully dialated and the baby has dropped immencely " Im gonna need you to start pushing with your contractions, remember , again, push when you feel the contraction , and breathe inbetween ... " Vulcan , give her something to focus on , you .. a picture , it doesnt matter . "
Vulcan Dagger: Neri...do you remember the time we were slaughtering the orphanage..
Vulcan Dagger tightens his hand around hers
Strike Kumsung: try a better thought vulcan....
Vulcan Dagger: The funny gurgling sounds the Priest made when he died?
Vulcan Dagger: Or the beautiful sunset we watched together in Japan..
Jessa Alba: " Ok honey , here we go ... on the next contraction , I want you to give me a goood push , and bring your legs up to your chest as you do ... vulcan you can help her with this , it will let her bear down while pushing as opposed to breaking your hand . "
Vulcan Dagger: How about the the sweet music box I bought you, with the lovely music it played for you that you loved so much..
It was so hard to look past the pain she was experiencing. Thoughts of how she had put herself through so much in the past when she was her father's guinea pig for his torture devices. Willingly letting herself be the first one to try them out on...
Nerissa Dae clutches at Vulcan's hand tightly as she is hit with another contraction, eyes turned to him with tears running down her face again. She holds her breath as it tears through her pelvis and draws herself forward, muscles baring down to push as she utters a small mewing from the pain.
Lawrence Brun squints "Ew, gross, sis ... "
Jessa Alba: " Ok ... ok .. perfect , I can see the head starting to crown ... take a few deep breaths and we can go again on the next contraction. " :: hands vulcan a cold cloth to lay upon her forehead ::
Lawrence Brun looks at his father "Hello father"
Vulcan Dagger begins wiping away the hot sweat from her brow with the cool cloth
Vulcan Dagger: Hello Son.
Lawrence Brun tilts his head "She okay?"
Jessa Alba looks over at Lawrence , " she is doing very well , she's stong , as is the baby . "
Jessa Alba: " Ok honey , ready when you are .. "
Lawrence Brun squints abit "Father can i not be present for this, it does not feel right to watch."
Vulcan Dagger: Take a deep breath..
Vulcan Dagger: You have my permission, you were suppose to wait down stairs anyway
Nerissa Dae 's talons dig into his flesh, a small growl given at Law, as she gulps deeply to gather fresh breath. Her heavily pants and whimpers, "M.music..box?.." Hand shaking as she clings to Vulcan before another contraction hits her enough she cries out as she sits into it again, baring down to try and pushing as she'd been instructed.
Vulcan Dagger: The music Box, you loved those..you remember. I bought you with a special tune it plays that you adored
The music boxes...they come to mind much quicker. He knew how much she loved them, playing them as he held her small form in his arms to sooth her when the baby had put a lot of strain on her body. The thought of those haunting tunes filled her thoughts readily and Neri found it easier to work through the pain...
Jessa Alba gets all excited and looks up at her with a smile .. " Ok I see a head !!! Now .. take a few to relax, catch your breath , if we do this right , you got about two good pushes to go ... on the next contraction I want you to gimme all you got ... lets get that head outta there . "
Lawrence Brun punches the hospital wall smashing a hole in the drive opening watching the concrete debris fly outward hitting the ambulence and spreads along the road his breath coming out a hold black mist and his eyes a full blown flame his feet start to flare up and the cracks under his feet start to rise up afew firey licks of flame he growls alil then drops to his knee's and lets out an earth vibrating shout of rage as his body burst's into an infurno and he shouts "Gra'kenr-ah!" his flame fades down to a light blue then dissapears the cracks in the floor sealing up then he falls to the ground leaning against the wall he just half shatters and sit there his breath slowing getting less heavy.
Nerissa Dae catches the coppery smell of her own blood spilling, the black wash of it trickling out as she feels herself split in two from the baby being squeezed out. She nods to Vulcan or perhaps to Jessa, small needle teeth baring as she grimaces to the intense contractions gripping her pelvis. She breaths heavily when it passes and all too soon another strikes and she cries out, fingers of her free hand gripping her thighs as she brings them to her chest, pale face turning white as she pushes with everything she has, her cry muffled as she tries not to waste breath when she needs it for the birthing.
Jessa Alba reaches in with her hands and gently cradles the babies head, taking the babies nose and wiping it in a downward motion as to push all of the fluids out of its nasal passage so the baby can breathe , she genly takes a hold of the babies head and says " Ok honey this is it , this is the big one ... we need to get those shoulders out and the baby will follow in suit :: she pushes down on the babys head as to stretch Neri's pelvis open a bit wider in order to let the babies shoulders fall out of her one at a time.::
Nerissa Dae takes a few deep breaths, the pain excruiating from the white glow of her eyes and white cheeks showing a feverish like flush. She feels a fire of white pain enveloping her small frame and clenches her eyes closed as her entire body is gripped into a steel lock after taking a deep breath and holding it, pushing with every thing she can to clear the baby's shoulders from the birth canal. The strain shows heavily on her and she tries to fight a light headedness that hits her as she shoves with all her might to push him from her body.
Jessa Alba: :: she takes the baby in her right arm , cradling it as she takes the small blue suction device and cleans out the babies nose and throat to let it breathe .:: " Care to cut the cord brother , this is a proud moment for you. "
Jessa Alba smiles at the baby starts to cry " Perfect .. absolutely .. perfect. " :: she says as she peers down into the childs eyes ::
Vulcan Dagger flicks the knife he had already drawn in preparation for this moment and twists it about in the skillful play of his leather clad fingers as his looming shadowy figure strides closer. Looking down upon the new born infant before severng the cord with the sharp edge of the blade
Jessa Alba hands him the baby and begins to sew neri up from a slight tear during the process " Im so proud of you honey , you were so strong . "
Vulcan Dagger: Wow he looks just like you..
Nerissa Dae feels him spill from her, the tug of the cord as Jessa catches the baby, and falls back against the pillows behind her silently. From under lids heavy with exhaustion, she watches Vulcan taking their son, heavy breaths lessening but still showing the pain as Jessa works on her. Thankfully, passing the placenta was quicker and it left her feeling
lethagic when she smiles at them.
Vulcan Dagger: hes beautiful....you did great, Neri
Nerissa Dae goes to reach out to touch him but her arm just falls back down onto her soft belly to rest, eyes glistening with tears as she watches Vulcan cradling the baby. "He's okay? Rowan's alright...all five fingers and
Vulcan Dagger: shhhh.....hes perfect.
Vulcan Dagger strokes his palm across her forehead
Vulcan Dagger: Don't worry.
Nerissa Dae closes her eyes and sighs, relief, exhaustion making her relax under his touch.
Jessa Alba goes to the sink and washed my hands and disposed of the blanket and the bag at the end of the table ...
Vulcan Dagger: Jessa..
Jessa Alba: Vulcan.
Vulcan Dagger hands her the baby
Lawrence Brun repeatedly bangs his head against the wall, hearing the cracks start to spread up the wall "Great ... yet another way to loose
Vulcan Dagger: I'd like you to be one to give the baby to Nerissa, to hold..The loving aunt handing off the new born to his Proud Mother
Mystique Xeno looks on the ground and ceiling.. ''What happend here? And what's going on with you?''
Lawrence Brun punches the ground this time not as hard as he leave's an indent and looks up to myst then looks back down at the floor and mumbles "Nothing ... " snarls abit "Fucking nothing."
Mystique Xeno narrows her eyes.. ''Allright.. if you need anything or want to talk you know where to find me..''
Jessa Alba takes the baby in her arms and sheds a single tear on its chest and smells its sweet head " Happy Birthday little one, welcome to our family . " :: she hands the baby to Nerissa proudly and smiles :: " Its all worth it in the end , once they grab your finger with that teeny little hand . "
Lawrence Brun nods "Ill hold you to that." he grins patting the open floor "Have a seat."
Jessa Alba: "Thank you Vulcan for such an honor. I seee great things in this childs future. "
Mystique Xeno laughs ''Are you sure you don't want me to stand.. So you can try looking up my skirt?''
Lawrence Brun grins "Your wearing pants, its pointless." pats the floor again "Your free to sit on my hand though." he winks
Mystique Xeno laughs harder.. ''In your dreams''
Jessa Alba VOMITS violently
Lawrence Brun smiles "Then just sit."
Nerissa Dae 's eyes looks down at Rowan, being able to hold him for the first time. She bites her lip as tears spill and brushes her fingers over his hair and tiny features.
Nerissa Dae looks over at her father.
Jessa Alba: well the baby thinks its funny
Jessa Alba: haha
Rowan Dae Dagger
Born May 06 (2009)
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