It lasted for several days. Vulcan pacing the small cell. The heat building within the small chamber where Nerissa was allowed to remain, curled up within the sprawling bones that littered the floor haphazardly. A small cold spot where only she invaded and spent staring nonstop nearly the entire time at her father when not asleep. He rested little, watching over her and listening intently to every word the lycans had to say with savage growls and animalistic threats to any that come near his daughter, inspite the seemingly desire to want to only help the small demon that they've seen taken nothing to eat nor drink since she'd followed Vulcan there to be locked down, nor left the entire time.
There was a time or two he did managed to get out though, some miraculous way, to make it to the streets and attack random people out of the blue. It was insane. Illogical. But oddly enough it seemed he would be defending the Perigord's own kyn from others without thought and leaving them utterly confused.
Several occasions, attempts of Ignis were made to break us out as well and each time these feats had failed. As well as others who had tried and failed. The Perigords fought them each and all. Jessa had come down and she too had been severally smacked down in the end at one point, never to return as promised....
Upon the third day...
She had woken early to her father still asleep and moved closer to the cell to be with him, her small body curled up around her swollen belly the best she could before exhaustion and stress drew her back to sleep again. From a fitful slumber, she jolted awake two hours later, to the normal sounds of den activity muffled further off and the sudden voice of Crow, the crazy demon that'd been following her around more of late claiming to be her brother from the future, talking to her father behind her. She moves away from him and finds him dangling in the air and it takes a moment to sort out the dark coils wrapped around his throat were shadow casted tentacles that where coming off a hideously huge monster in Vulcan's cell. It was only a flicker of something in her past that she knows this beast is her father so she only lets her resting body slide along the field separating them from one another to move further away.
"Soo hostile for a follower who sat her,with nerissa",grins and slightly laughs evily.."and why are you in there i am not naive like the wolves,i know you have the power to get out of there" Crow stared at Vulcan, grinning, while lycans begun to gather around the mouth of the small chamber.
The growls and snarling words of the werewolves languages has the small demoness' white head turning back to look at them again as they watch her father start slamming Crow against the wall before so many things starts to happen at one. She can feel their fear and smell the hunger for war beginning to crawl along their hackles as she watches them closely. The scent of blood begins to perfume the small chamber and it drowns out the scent of them in the end and then she hears it. "Ignis is coming again for Vulcan."
They managed to bust their way in, Ignis, but it wasn't solely her own clan house she sees. Vampires, the Tzmiche were pouring in as well, as where Alley Cats and many others she did not know. Were these people here to help to free her father or were they here to just cause trouble for the lycans.
Things started slowly and people begun to talk but something went wrong. She felt herself being lifted and carried back without warning, snatched from infront of the cell and right inside! Nerissa didn't have a chance to say anything and is gathered into her father's beastly arms. The heat pulsed off him in waves, making her light headed and sleepy for some reason this time. Were it not for the fact that she was dropped to the floor of the cell when, out of the blue, from the shadows chains shot out and slaps around his limbs, jerking him back and losing his hold on her.
Around them, she hears the screams and sounds of battle. The wolves howling and the blades clashing against steel as they fight with the demons, vampires and angels to free her father. Nerissa shoves up against his leg, sealed in a small cube, red brick all she can see around her on every side but for the one on her right. The door on the cell on lock down and hiding them away. Neri's face lifts to her father's as he seems to be watching the battle unfolding with his ghoulish eyes and her own pale face holds nothing, a lack of emotions making her look more like a doll at that moment, inspite the panic deep inside about what will happen if Ignis manages to succeed and win against the Perigord.
It wasn't until Jessa went down and blood pooled heavily under her that Vulcan jerked one powerful arm forward to break his chain loose from the wall. Tearing free to take one step out of his prison. They look at him. All standing in shock at the sudden look. The mass of dark unholy power that just radiates off him as he looms over her fallen body with a possessive, hungry growl while looking around, and done the most unimaginable thing they would never expect of him. He drops down and tears into her throat like a rabid beast, tearing it out in a mad frenzy, to drink of her blood heavily in loud slurps. Everyone forgot what they where doing to watch him and it was their undoing. This was the perfect time, watching and looking up at the beast that is her father as he tears out through those standing around with an blood thirsty roar and leaves her locked within the cell now as he begins to slaughter them all! Nerissa stares wide eyed by what she sees. Brothers and sisters being slaughtered. Perigords fighting not just those trying to save us but Vulcan as well. No one is safe from the insanity that tears through them and the small demon crawls to her feet to slam against the wall that suddenly begins to rise and shield her completely from what is going on. Leaving her in a hot dank cell of total darkness with the sounds of rage and war going on outside to ring out around her. It was like being on stage and being unable to see but hearing everything around her and she screamed as she slammed herself against the wall as memories of being locked up once upon a time while still part of the Coven.
As it spread out between the lair and the streets above, her half brother Trey managed to get the doors open to the cell and grabbed for her. Neri screamed and with talons raked over his glove in refusal, fearing she'd be hurt more out there then being left inside the cell. When he realizes she won't budge he tosses her backwards and mutters obscenities, leaving her to her own demise while she curls up in a corner to watch and try not to be seen while she sees the fighting continuing outside the chamber mouth. It seems hours upon hours had gone on and then the sounds just seem to cease around her before she hears a scrambling outside, huffing and the sounds of the werewolves returning so she thought. She saw shadows moving and then familiar bodies as the Perigord returned with wounded, followed by the scrambling sounds that announces the return of her father. She was just standing at the mouth of the chamber and something wraps around her armpits and Neri's head tips back, eyes wide and spots Vulcan overhead from a large gapping hole in the wall. Relief hits her and as she's lifted, she watches as more tentacles are lowered and wrapping around Jessa's body as well, Vulcan snatching them both up, and takes off with a fierce roar for the highest vantage point in Obsidian City. Free again. Free to breath in the night air, so much cleaner then Toxian City. To cling to her father as he sets her down once more on solid ground and feel the heart beating in his chest as he crushes her small frame firmly against his demonic form. She trembles but she sighs in relief to the purring she hears rumbling.
He sets her down again and turns away to take care of Jessa, replace the blood she'd lost, and restart her heart once more, using his unholy powers to heal his vampiric sister. Exhaustion has the pregnant demon sink down to her knees and sits there on the retangular rooftop to watch him working and glances over to see Kiba had come to join them there as well once more and a heated discussion had panned out before, after a lengthy bit of confusion, come boiling down to an end. Her father once more took on his human appearance once more, regaining his senses and clasping Kiba's arm tightly in companionship with a hearty laugh. Seems all had come out as planned and he was very pleased.
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