Suyuan Quan walks over towards Neri and begins to hum a lullaby Mei sung to her as a child and she gets on her knees as she commences singing to the baby.
Nerissa Dae staggers back as she lets go of the Eye and nearly falls on her ass after
holding onto it too long, large black eyes staring ahead sightlessly.
Suyuan Quan leaps to her bare feet as she steadies her godmother.
Suyuan Quan: Godmother!
Nerissa Dae coughs and suddenly spits up blood.
Suyuan Quan gasps reaches up to wipe the blood away from Neri's mouth,
"What happened?"
Nerissa Dae adjusts herself and moves her face away as she lets her head hang while black ichor dribbles from her chin, " Not suppose to mess with it...but I was tryin' to look into the den.."
Suyuan Quan sighs heavily as she removes her glove and wipes at the black liquid protruding from her lips as she closes her eyes to focus on father.
Suyuan Quan attempts to support her and wipes away the last bit of the black fluid, "Don't ever touch it again."
Nerissa Dae rocks a little on her leg as she stares down. "I don't wanna be down here. ...I wanna be up there with him..I don't want him to go to the lycans and
surrender himself.." she whispers.
Suyuan Quan shakes her head as she collects her in her arms, "He can handle himself, but I am ordered to take care of you."
Suyuan Quan: I know how you feel, but you must stay down here with me.
Nerissa Dae 's cold body drops down a little in a slump as lids grow heavy. When she starts to breath harder instead of less it seems she's putting a strain on herself with what ever she's doing.
" I don't wanna stay here...they surround him more and more...even if he's
turnin' himself in." Neri's tone grows emotional further. " Even if he knows what he's doin'.." Suyuan Quan wraps her arms around her godmother's cold form, one hand coming to rest upon her belly as she whispers softly to her, "Calm down. This isn't good for you or the baby. He will return, I promise."
Nerissa Dae looks up again towards the Eye and begins to pull up, climbing the side of the pedestal with a grimace of pain showing as she tries to reach for the top. " Not if they chain him up! Not if he is locked away when he surrenders..."
Suyuan Quan reaches out grasp Neri's wrist firmly as she tries to pull her back, "Then I will see to it, but you must rest. Stop this."
Nerissa Dae trembles as she pulls against the hands on her and growls as her hands reaches for the Eye again blindly.
Suyuan Quan grips Neri's shoulders as she attempts to pull her back, using all her strength in the process.
She growls and blistered hands tear on the metal table as she feels her god daughter pulling her back down to the floor again. Away from the eye. Her thoughts grow dizzy and then deep in her gut she feels the familiar pull and suddenly her world twists and she's falling. Right into the midsts of the lycans' den at her father's feet where he summoned her.
Nerissa's head snaps up, the blinding white hair catches the light off their scones, the fire turning it red and gold as she looks at him through tears, and then she tucks her head to glance around as she turns herself in that crouch while moving her small curled form closer to his legs to rest and wait...
Justinian Diavolo inhales deeply and lets himself revert to his human form
Wolfigang Wycliffe knows the Dread Lord does not like hearing lycan and therefore remains silent.
Eden Hendrassen sighs nervously... "I uh... don't really know how to coat this so ill just say it... I want her as my mate.... She means everything to me and I'd do anything for her..."
Nyxx Jigsaw looks at him for a long moment then turns to kiba waiting for his answer.
Joules Dyrssen sighs "awww how cute"
Wolfigang Wycliffe raises his tail in happiness.
Gwendalyn Darkstone lets out a soft growl as her body shifts back, and she listens quietly, quite comfortable in her nudity
Xanatos Skytower squats down and pets wolfie behind the ear
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina considers a though about his single round 10 gauge slug round
shotgun... Chuckling to himself as he does... Looking Eden up and down he contemplates the request...
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina Inspects Eden as if he were being chosen from
birth to either be tossed, or accepted...
Wolfigang Wycliffe moves into deliberate position. His meaning clear (as I lag there.) I stand behind Eden.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "You must possess great strength, resolve...
You must also Make Nardia your one true alliance..." Looking to Nyxx and then back to
Eden... "You will show this family your devotion to Nardia and to your request... You will prove this to each and everyone..."
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "And as time goes bye, I am sure by your actions you will show your worthiness to this request..."
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "Eden, your request is accepted... However, understand that this is the start of your courtship... When you have shown your true nature, and have given yourself to this request, you will have my full blessing to take her hand and stand by her side under luna's blessing..."
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina awaits response as he returns his arm back around Nyxx...
Eden Hendrassen sighs reluctantly and nods. "Thank you Ulfric..."
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina nods his head...
Justinian Diavolo 's gaze shifts to the young leopard standing proudly naked. Shifting his eyes back to the ulfric without som much as an expression..he unbuckles
his cloak , steps forward and hands it to Gwen. He continues to watch the Ulfric without comment.
Joules Dyrssen claps for Eden and Nardia
Nardia Bashly slides her hand into Edens looking at her parents with a silent nod.
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks back and wraps the cloak around her, looking back to her Nimer-Raj and Nimer-Ra
Vulcan Dagger steps foward, the air screaming in protest as the the razor edge of his double bladed sword is brought around with its glinting arc coming to rest in mid-motion with the tip of the terrible weapon pointed directly at Kiba's chest
Nardia Bashly blinks leaning closer to Eden...
Gwendalyn Darkstone steps foreward, slightly, a small growl coming from her lips
Lorie Nitely growls warningly as she sees the blade near her Ulfric
Paisley Shoreman: RrRrAaAaWwWwRrRrZzZz**
Nyxx Jigsaw turns quickly seeing the weapon at her mates chest snarls quietly in warning
Nerissa Dae lowers herself slowly to the ground and looks up to watch her father's actions with tail curling around her hooves.
Wolfigang Wycliffe, exhausted as he is, resumes his frenzied form.
Titannia MacMoragh growls, her power flaring alive, watching the Dark Lord.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina Stands his ground as his eyes face forward into Vulcan's eyes, his arm staying around Nyxx's waist...
Jaide Nightfire jumps closer poised and ready
Vulcan Dagger turns his wrist over, pressing his thumb into the switch as the twin blades slowly retract back into the hilt of the ancient weapon itself. His arm fully extending outwards as to present the weapon itself
Nyxx Jigsaw eases back a bit watching carefully
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks back to J, her eyes filled with a new light, she tilts her head as if to ask whats going on
Xanatos Skytower looks on in shock.
Paisley Shoreman quiets the beast from within him and resumes his silent posture
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina extends his hand wrist up, looking to each one of those around to back away...
Vulcan Dagger places the weapon in Kiba's hand
Justinian Diavolo continues to watch. his unblinking eyes taking in the scene...he shifts his stance slightly, his hand slipping into the darkness of the ether....ready to draw the dread scythe should it be needed. Seeing the offer by the dark lord, he eases his hand back to his side, leaving the horrific blade in its natural realm.
Titannia MacMoragh steps back, but continues to pace stalkingly, her blue in blue eyes never leaving the Dark Lord, well aware he does not need to use a weapon to be one of the most dangerous creatures alive.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina accepts the blade as his fingers curl around the hilt, though not knowing the full reason as to the passing of such a weapon he nods...
Vulcan Dagger: My time here has ended.
Vulcan Dagger: I surrender, Kiba
Nerissa Dae wraps her arms around her knees as she watches over her folded arms closely then restlessness has her back on her feet again.
Titannia MacMoragh's eyebrows rise up. What, she wonders can the Dark Lord mean by these words....?
Nardia Bashly grip Edens hand watching...confused....
Gwendalyn Darkstone her eyebrow raises, wondering what he means, and what he has up his sleeve
Vulcan Dagger unhooks the belt around his waist, leting the array of weaponry fall heavily to the ground
Paisley Shoreman crosses his arms and listens intently
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks back to J, her mouth dropping open, totally confused and shocked
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina squeezes the release for the blades as each end extends to their fullest... His hand holding the spear perpendicularly to the ground... He contemplates his brothers words...
Eden Hendrassen looks at Vulcan with a look of surprise on his face. "..... Am I dead...... again? Or am I dreaming?"
Nardia Bashly pinches Eden's arm ''Shh....''
Nerissa Dae 's head turns, eyes following Kiba's hands, as she lightly tugs on her tattered sweatshirt. She's made her face hard to read now, the lack of any emotions showing, and soon her hands still.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina's breathes become slow...
Tabby1 Tigerpaw growls at Midnight
Midnight Troglodite waves to Tabby
Nyxx Jigsaw looks from Vulcan to kiba and waits for kibas answer
Gwendalyn Darkstone loos to her Nimer-Raj, then to vulcan, wondering whats coming next
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina his eye's close as his mind races, his memories and understanding of all that has happened... His mind coming to the relizations of their history in this world...
Tabby1 Tigerpaw flicks her tail up and looks away from Midnight
Jaide Nightfire wonders what the hell is going on.
Nardia Bashly looks between them all...leaning on Eden wondering who will speak next...
Eden Hendrassen wraps his arm around Nardia's waist... still stareing from his Ulfric to Vulcan and back.
Vulcan Dagger extends his wrists foward
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina his voice tries a moment to speak but his voice falls silent as he
looks to Nyxx and then back to Vulcan... "Fate as it were, has rolled the dice and as I walk
this path I know the truth and essence of what must follow..." Looking to the pack, "Take him to the prison beneath the stairs..."
Gwendalyn Darkstone mouth drops
Wolfigang Wycliffe: Sir. If you would come with me. (Looks to Titannia.)
Nerissa Dae 's fingers tightens together as she looks up at her father and Kiba.
Titannia MacMoragh looks at the Dark Lord. Nods at Wolf. "This way."
Gwendalyn Darkstone moves back, too confused to think, she looks up at Justin
Nardia Bashly follows silently....
Justinian Diavolo glances down at Gwen, his eyes blank but those that know him....see a
light look of bewilderment in the corners.
Xanatos Skytower wonders what trick will follow.
Nerissa Dae shakes before she takes a step forward. Forcing herself to follow behind them.
Lorie Nitely watches Vulcan being put in the cell than shivers as she remembers being put in his, she looks down than walks back to where everyone else is.
Titannia MacMoragh looks at Vulcan. Her eyes are confused but she wills her face into a mask that shows nothing as she Puts the restraints on him. Watching warily, but thinking the Dark Lord would not need to lure her close th do somethnga suprising.
Xanatos Skytower looks at Gwen and giggles. "Nice cloak Gwen"
Titannia MacMoragh: *to do somthing suprising*
Lorie Nitely steps behind Jaide as she leans against him in confusion
Gwendalyn Darkstone smiles softly, but looks to Vulcan in the cage, something in her memory stirring but she cant find it, as if it has been erased, but its lingering on the edge of her memory...
Titannia MacMoragh steps back. "Will this hold him?"
Wolfigang Wycliffe backs his captain up, making sure there ARE no surprises. He double checks the locks from a different perspective to be sure the demon lord cannot escape.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: It will...
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina throws a face mask to Titannia...
Titannia MacMoragh nods, assuming the Ulfric knows what he speaks of.
Titannia MacMoragh looks at the mask. "For him? " Questions the Ulfric*
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina his face emotionless, "For him." He replies in a low tone...
Titannia MacMoragh nods, she goes forward and looks at the Dark Lord, as usual, she avoids
his eyes as she slips the mask on his face.
Nerissa Dae pushes through so she can see Vulcan, not saying a word since she'd arrived, all she can do is watch what happens.
Nyxx Jigsaw looks at Nerissa wondering how she is handling seeing her father like this.
Titannia MacMoragh shudders slightly, the palpable aura of menace around the Dark Lord still there, despite his current position.
Vulcan Dagger exhales slowly through the restraints of the face mask that binds his jaw together
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "For all those that doubted my love and my allegiance to my
family... I hope now, you haven't a second thought on the matter..." He turns to them his eyes seeming to peer into the minds of each of them... Turning back to Vulcan... "So it is upon me to assume the throne..."
Gwendalyn Darkstone wraps her arms around her, shuddering, something she finds somewhat wrong about this, something she doesnt quite like, but she trusts her nimer-Raj to know what to do and remains silent, her eyes fixed on the dark lord
Titannia MacMoragh's voice sounds somewhat hollow as she asks: "What....are we going to do with him?"
Justinian Diavolo speaks in a loud voice, the chill of the grave thick
on the air. "We will respect him above all else"
Keljar Cosmos wonders what throne Kiba is talking about assuming. He doesn't like what he is seeing as one tyrant's reign ends, does the Perigord alpha expect to take his place.
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks to Justin, then back to Vulcan, her arms still wrapped around her, still trying to remember sometihng that is just out of reach..
Gwendalyn Darkstone: ....
Titannia MacMoragh nods at Justinian's words. Whatever else Vulcan has been, respect is something he has always been due.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina places a hand to Titannia's shoulder... "Our struggle for survival has given us newfound heights..." He turns to look at the others in the pack... Kneeling before them... "I leave the acceptance of this bearing to you all... As when the time was dior I asked this family for their approval of me... Again I ask you now, Will you accept the leadership of Nyxx and I here and now?"
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina bows his head to his family....
Nardia Bashly grips Eden's hand and looks at her Ulfric ''Always.''
Jaide Nightfire: ABSOLUTELY. I never had a doubt
Lorie Nitely peeks around Jaide as she says softly, "always, you are our Ulfric and Lupa"
Titannia MacMoragh looks from one brother to the other, only now, bereft of rainments and artifice can she see they do infact look so much like brothers. She turns her face to the Ulfric and does not hesitate: "Of course Ulfric, always."
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks to Kiba, and nods gently "My Nimer-Raj...that will never
change..." she then goes very quiet, looking to the others briefly
Wolfigang Wycliffe: Kiba, I have been Ronin long enough. I have sworn to you as you are my Daimyo. This I never did lightly. My swords are yours to command and my life is in your hands.
Eden Hendrassen nods "Always Ulfric..."
Vulcan Dagger: "Everything Is Proceeding As I Have Forseen."
Nerissa Dae 's arms fall to her side and creeps forward, just having eyes for her father's bound form. Her head turns but she looks straight ahead as she walks, making sure she doesn't touch any in passing.
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks to Kiba, this overwhelming feeling she should go and sit by him,
ask him to accept her words, to show her alliegance to him and her Nimer-Ra, but she remains still unsure if she should
Justinian Diavolo stands, his eyes locked on the wall behind which Vulcan is confined. He listens to the words that the pack speaks. What thoughts pass through his mind are unreadable. His eyes narrow slightly at the words of the ulfric as if he is in thought.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina places his hand upon his right knee and liftshimself off the ground as his eye's fill with emotion, a single tear drips from his cheek..
Titannia MacMoragh stops forward, goes to her knees, looks into the eyesof her Ulfric as she raises her head slightly, tilting back and exposing her neck in a wolf's guesture
Justinian Diavolo speaks his voice cold and even..."do you say that it is our choice if you accept the command of the city as offered by Vulcan's surrender?"
Titannia MacMoragh: to an Ulfric
Xanatos Skytower stands looking on that what is unfolding totally bewildered. Can this be the Vulcan that ordered her torture. Ran this city with all fearing him surely not. Her head shakes slightly showing her thoughts.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina looks to Justinian and nods his head, "Yes, The people must always have the choice of who they wish to lead... It was always the perigord way..."
Gwendalyn Darkstone moves foreward a step, but then she stops, looking to her Nimer-Raj then Nimer-Ra, then moves all the way foreward she kneels before her Nimer-Raj, her head down, hand up to him, keeping herself below him as he is her King
Justinian Diavolo listens to the words the Ulfric speaks and contemplates the dark and difficult possibilities this future holds. He nods his head slowly.
Titannia MacMoragh rises smoothly back to her feet with a nod to the Ulfric.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: This city was always to become yours... We have been tortured, killed, beaten, enslaved, and ruthlessly broken down until the brink of our existence...
Jaide Nightfire is way totally confused as to why vulcan would allow himself to be locked up rather than jut leave town if his time had come. And if his time has come well that blows.
Gwendalyn Darkstone kneels there, keeping herself there, listening, her head rising to look up at him
Eden Hendrassen 1 eyes 3
Vulcan Dagger watches silently
Wolfigang Wycliffe: He would not just leave town. Abandoning it like a rat leaving a sinking ship. If his time was done, then this was innevitable.
Wolfigang Wycliffe: To just leave like a thief in the night would bring dishonor on everything he stood for.
Vulcan Dagger flexes his hands slowly, straining the bindings slightly as his balefire eyes shift slowly from one being to the next, listening to the events
Titannia MacMoragh: Invevitable....*her eyes harden*.... so do we end it? *looks over at Vulcan again, then back to her Ulfric* "Do we end...him? Not vengeance, Ulfric...don't misunderstand me...but this...*nods at the prison* Elba, before they had the sense to kill Napoleon.
Justinian Diavolo moves forward so that he is in clear view of the dread lord. His head and eyes slowly shift so that he looks the Demon in the face. his eyes narrow as he slowly inclines his head forward as if in concentration. Inky darkness swirls within the whites of his eyes and dark Vapour begins to form with every exhalation......
Justinian Diavolo speaks...."This one is mine to determin his fate....and Gaia has is not his time"
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "I know not what else to say" His voice falls silent as he looks to each of them...
Titannia MacMoragh nods and steps back, accepting the Freki's word on the matter.
Wolfigang Wycliffe: Hati, this place must be guarded at all times from now until we DO decide what to do with him.
Gwendalyn Darkstone looks to Justin, then to vulcan, something in her eyes not quite readable, then she shifts back on her heels away from her nimer-Raj to stand, and wraps her arms about her once more, hugging herself
Titannia MacMoragh: Agreed.
Vulcan Dagger allows his eyes to widen animalistically with a wild intensity for a brief moment before narrowing them into sinister slits of focus as he remains silent. His looming frame held in place by the multiple bindings as with his gaze staring ahead
Nerissa Dae 's head turns as she casts her gaze over her shoulder to look at those behind her and then turns to look the other way at Kiba.
Justinian Diavolo looks past the Ulfric to stare unblinkingly at the dark lord.
Titannia MacMoragh mutters again "Elba....." and shakes her head slightly, watching the Dark Lord's eyes.
Wolfigang Wycliffe: Ulfric, other matters require my attention. I would take my leave now.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: Go in luna's loving embrace...
Wolfigang Wycliffe turns towards the cell and regards the being within. Showing an incredible ammount of respect, bows to him, a prisoner.
Vulcan Dagger inclines his head foward, the chains clanking in the darkness
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina extends the spear and presses the button to withdraw the blades... The sound of their cold metal scraping against the hilt as each blade slides in... "Only by the choice of perigord shall I remain in a position of power... And should I become unfit for this task, it will be perigord's to unseat me..."
Wolfigang Wycliffe (In Lycan): gr seg ah growl raha r-ro gr g roaha grr-snort chur gro gro a dc khse ra talib r-ro ahinbus grr-snort arrgrll roaha
Justinian Diavolo shifts his stance watching the dread lord with unwavering gaze.
Jaide Nightfire (In Lycan): kel kel raha llww raaaah gr ah raaaah
Rio D.(Digi Pera) mummbles something about a soul..
Phillippa Parx walks carefull and silently and glances at where Vulcan stands. She takes a mental picture of the moment.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: I desire, not power, but for this family to survive...
Justinian Diavolo turns his head and speaks, answering the comment..."not this night, little one"
Vulcan Dagger: " Its not about Power . . Its about Sending a Message. " - Vulcan Dagger
Nyxx Jigsaw stands with her arms relaxed at her side watching the interaction not showing her thoughts on her face.
Rio D.(Digi Pera) crosses and sighs, her lips curled into a frown. "Fine.."
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina Inhales slowly, "And as such I will accept the rule of the city... So long as you believe me fit for the title...
Gwendalyn Darkstone her eyes fall on Vulcan and seeing him like that makes her feel so small, if someone with this much power has given up, then what about the little guys... something dark passes over her eyes and she simply stands there, either in thought or just not willing to show what she feels
Titannia MacMoragh: Nerissa....Did you know this was what your father was coming here for?
Nerissa Dae keeps her back to them as she remains seated on the ground, a small spot of cold, where she watches her father.
Jaide Nightfire suddenly realizes what's happening. ((duh)) He looks to the Ulfric and nods with a slight grin.
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "I must rest, this night has taken more out of me than I expected..."
Titannia MacMoragh: Good night Ulfric
Nardia Bashly nods...''Sleep Well Father..''
Vulcan Dagger watches silently
Eden Hendrassen: Rest well Ulfric...
Gwendalyn Darkstone nods, hearing her nimer-Raj speak, but she doesnt take her eyes from the Dark lord
Justinian Diavolo says nothing but continues to observe Vulcan
KibaTheWhiteWolf Demina: "Please come and sit with me..."
Phillippa Parx turns to follow the Ulfric.
Nardia Bashly glances at Vulcan silently before moving back to follow.
Rio D.(Digi Pera) approaches the Freki, standing at his side she removed her glasses. Her dark eyes fell on the small cold demon then raised to Vulcan
Ghostdogg Torok rests his head on Rios shoulder
Vulcan Dagger raises his chin, looking at Justinian
Titannia MacMoragh notes that the Freki is at the cell.
Gwendalyn Darkstone steps foreward, the sound of the long cloak on the ground as she stands on the other side of Justin, her eyes on the Demon lord, but her eyes do not betray what she feels
Justinian Diavolo steps slowly forward as the pack follows the Ulfric. He narrows his usually unexpressive eyes and vulcan sees within them suspicion and disbelief as if he knows something is not right. He says nothing

Rio D.(Digi Pera) reaches her hand to Doggs head and pats him gently on the head, her eyes still on the demon
Jaide Nightfire growls softly to J
Ghostdogg Torok walks away from the demon lord the stench sufficating his senses
Jaide Nightfire (In Lycan): raha arrgrll grrl jurak
Jaide Nightfire: this doesn't feel right
Vulcan Dagger flexes his fingers in and out slowly, his jaw restrained and sealed closed by the powerful mask . The muscled bulk of his arms and legs binded by the infernal chains that rattle and clank with every small movement of his body
Rio D.(Digi Pera) drums her fingers on her chin. "Who would have thought...I still can't believe what i'm seeing.."
Nerissa Dae listens to the steps come closer and she barely turns her head to look at the legs, not even bothering to lift her head off her arms to look at the lycans standing a few meters from her.
Jaide Nightfire hears his Ulfric calling but still can't fully believe vulcan's in chains in the cell. He looks back at the cell then turns to go over to Kiba
Gwendalyn Darkstone lets her eyes drift up to justin, and then she turns, her eyes once more giving Vulcan a small glance, her eyes giving him all that he needs to know, that even chained, she respects him, for what he did for her in the past, though she cannot seem to remember it all..and turns going to join her pack
Jaide Nightfire (In Lycan): grrl al growl
Jaide Nightfire: I'll be close
Justinian Diavolo points at the youg female demon at the feet of the dark lord. He speaks and when he does those present notice a slight change in the tone...."Please see the young one has all she needs to be comfortable. She is to be allowed to stay with him if she so desires. She is under my protection while she is here"
Jaide Nightfire nods to J
Justinian Diavolo motions to the pack..."Ulfric calls....come"
Justinian Diavolo turns and walks toward the throne
Rio D.(Digi Pera) frowns then leaves the two Demons alone