Nerissa Dae comes wandering over towards the feline, sipping loudly from a can of pop. With a pained smile, she holds it out. "Wanna drink?" She asks.
Raisa Nightfire takes the can and sniffs it "What is it?"
Nerissa Dae 's black eyes rolls and waves her hands about. "Pop! Duh!" She can only speak the truth but she seems to be watching intently.
Raisa Nightfire sips from the can after wiping the edge and then hands it back after drinking very little "Thank you"
Nerissa Dae notices how little the feline drinks from it and thrusts her lip out as if hurt while she reaches across to take it back. "Here I am, sharin' my drink with ya.." She starts to say. Of course, it is soda in the can but only to cover the other ingredient placed in it, something to knock out the cat.
Raisa Nightfire smiles and continues to drink from the can, purring as she does
The small minty green demon leans against the median while she rubs at her face with a funny look, touching some fresh wounds that seem to be healing, still pink and fleshy. Painful..But the eyes remain on the cat, Neri flashing an ivory smile back that doesn't touch too much at her eyes.
Raisa Nightfire rests the can on the barrier and looks to you "Thank you again" she says as her eyes seem to look as if they're getting heavier by the second. She starts swaying back and forth as she speaks again "It tasted a little fun..." She doesn't finish the sentence and falls back off the barrier, smashing her head on the concrete below
Nerissa Dae just keeps smiling and waits. Waiting the moment before she jumps foward to try and catch her before she has a chance to bust her head open. "Experimentation time." She murmurs to herself and hoists the cat up the best she can to take her down with her to the lair.
Gate Keeper: What is the color of Night?
Nerissa Dae speaks the word that opens the doorway to the underground chambers.
Gate Keeper Door - Night Riddle: You may pass.
Nerissa Dae moves slowly to carry her down the stairs and disposes of her onto the bed for now, tieing the cat down to keep her from escaping since she doesn't have the key to the cell.
Nerissa Dae rummages about in her bag at her hip, digging until she seems to find what she wanted. She glances over at Raisa, checking on her, making sure she's not bleeding or anything. Maybe a nasty bump at the back of the head but nothing broken.
Raisa Nightfire lets out a quiet mew as she lies there motionless
Nerissa Dae flashes a ruined smile down at her captive and holds up a small test tube. "Lookie what I got!" She says chipperly. "A nice lil drink for ya." She hops up onto the bed and moves over crouch right over the feline and squats so she's almost sitting on her belly. "Open wide!"
Raisa Nightfire her mouth falls open slightly from your movements on the bed and herself
Nerissa Dae grunts and takes the window of oppurtunity, jamming the lip of the vial to her lips and pouring its contents into Raisa's mouth and slapping her free hand immediately over it while she tosses away the small container emptied to free her other hand to pinch the cat's nose. Lack of air always makes a person's throat open and want to swallow. Plus she's just in a bad mood and wants to be a little mean.
Raisa Nightfire uncontrollably swallows the liquid and then opens her mouth to take a short breath
The potion is bitter and acidic as it hits the taste buds, tingling the tongue before finally swallows. Neri still remains hunched over where she's stradling the cat, Raisa having her undivided attention now as she takes her hands way with a giddy giggle of utter twistedness. Like an imp in some nightmare, she hovers and watches before she reaches down and sets her hands to grasp Raisa's face tightly between her bitterly cold little hands and begins to utter a chant to get the potion its full potential, to be able to totally change how the cat looks to that of someone else totally different. "L' siltrin zhah drill putty nindel molds beneath ussta xta'rl. L' siltrin zhah drill fabric nindel ulnen tlu molded ulu foluss else. Usstan tlun l' lloun'az nindel orn thir'ku nindol jindurn ji nau uss orn zhaun."
Raisa Nightfire 's chest and stomach suddenly tries to pull from her body as soon as the chant ends. Completely oblivious to how she's changing and still knocked out from the original potion
Nerissa Dae scrambles back off the bed but keeps close to watch how her potion works on the feline.
Nerissa Dae almost purrs when it seems that the potion finally worked, the cat no longer looking the same. A delightful laugh and she claps her hands. "Yes!"
Raisa Nightfire lets out a groan of pain when the changes had finished
Nerissa Dae perks up and grows silent, hovering at Raisa's side while she watches attentively. The change was fascinating to watch, features changing, body...she grins further when the horns grow from her head and the tail looses the fur. "Ooohh..A demon? I'd never woulda imagined."
Nerissa Dae straightens up and finally just smiles, leaving Raisa tied to the bed, to go out and take care of some stuff.
************* ......A few days later......*************
The subway was empty thankfully as she slipped down, having looked around to make sure no one followed her. She passed through and snuck into the pocket to the door, making inside her father's headquaters with ease and begun her descent downwards, walking slow and quiet so her hooved feet made no sound. Half way down, she hears two female voices and comes to find the pair talking in the chamber.
Chellie Sholokhov nods again as she indicates Nerissa's arrival. "This is my first born. Her father is ..." She tappers off and shakes her head.
Shadow Thorn looks over "Sorry I didn't catch that last bit."
Nerissa Dae rubs her nose as she stands there and readjusts her mask against her face as she looks over at the changed neko. "Hey! How's it goin'. Gotta hug for yer sister?" She opens her arms out to Thorn.
Shadow Thorn walks over into your arms and puts hers around the smaller, black wrapped demoness. "Um...Sure.."
Nerissa Dae glances at her mother and turns back again as her arms slips around the other female, cold embrace tightening a little more then necessary as she pulls her mask down against her shoulder. "Been meanin' to do something. Just been really busy." she murmurs.
Shadow Thorn still stands there in your arms "Oh? And what was that?"
From Neri's back sprouts dark limbs that coils around Thorn's arms behind her back, locking her in place in her own embrace as she gives a nod. ""Yeah..." The black eyes glisten as they look over as if she's prey before she opens hermouth wide and something dark and ominous is expelled as she blows sharply into her face. "Breath in, chikita." She murmurs, the small demon issuing a dark essense that will finally sink into Thorn's body and change the female completely to a demon.
The dark vapor expelled from Nerissa was like a gas. As bone chilling as the small demon's very own body, entering the lungs and then spread out and eating into the system, dominating with a demonic essense. At last, Raisa was no longer, and the feline's past has been obliterated by Nerissa's own manipulations.
Shadow Thorn shifts her face to the side, coughing from the gas and taking deep breaths to get air in her lungs, her body gets colder and it tenses up, she begins to shake in your grasp before her body goes limp and tries to fall to the ground
Nerissa Dae feels the body sagging in her grasp and grits her teeth to hold on before she finally just lets it slip free of her shadow limbs with dark vapors coming from between her lips and nostrils while looking down at Thorn's body with a nod.
As the body's weight leaves her arms, she turns at the sound of approaching footsteps to watch her father, mother and others coming down the stairs.
Nerissa Dae dusts herself off as she turns. "Its done." She tells Vulcan while pulling up her mask again while she gets control of the darkness within her.
Shadow Thorn takes a deep breath as she lies on the floor, her eyes open again and tries to get to her feet but stays on her knees as she looks around "What...What happened? What have you done?"
Nerissa Dae tsks quietly. "Made you my sister, permanently." She tells Thorn.
Shadow Thorn: W...Was I not before?
Nerissa Dae shakes her head as she runs over to pounce Vulcan, hugging him tightly. "Nope! " She tells her, saying no more about it. " The chill will wear off, don't worry."
Vulcan Dagger wraps his arms around Nerissa's waist as he looks at Shadow Thorn
Shadow Thorn slowly gets up, the shivering becoming less apparent now "What was wrong with me before?"
Nerissa Dae looks up to Vulcan as if to leave him to answer that question.
Vulcan Dagger: You were not fully changed yet...You were yet to be completely turned...and now you are
Shadow Thorn nods "I understand Father"
Vulcan Dagger smiles softly and places his palm on the table
Vulcan Dagger: I am feeling drained at the moment..
Nerissa Dae fades from sight with a cheery looking wave given to Thorn. "Enjoy yer new life, Sister."
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