Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Idling Thoughts

She fingered a new hole in her favorite shirt and makes a face, Neri's mood falling a little more each time she finds herself confronted. Shot at. Snarled at. Picked on...Has things changed all that much then her time inside Toxian City? The demon is pulled from her idle thoughts by a question and jerks her head around to look at her father. The instant blossoming of a smile rises to her soft, pale lips and she sets a hand over her fluttering belly. Even after so long, she is still amazed how much he can affect her. They've not had too much time together, what with the babies' care, returning to her studies, and avoiding so many people it seems anymore... "Are you listening to me?" He asks a second time and it has her sitting up further in her chair without warning. "Yes, father. Sorry. Seems I'm suffering ADD today." He lets out a laugh and rests his hand on her brilliant white head to play through the shorn length, teasing through it to massage her scalp. It nearly puts Nerissa into a drooling state. Smiling, she looks up at him again, " It seems the kinda backed off or something. I haven't noticed anything lately or heard for that matter..Crab Infested Dea tried to take more souls like she's this bottomless pit."

His response was a laugh again and bends down to scoop her up out of the chair so he can take the place, sinking into the now cold recesses of its comfort with her in his arms still. " Any more news?" She asks cryptically, listening to her older brother move around in the room behind her, the animalistic grunts and insane snickering having her craning her neck to check Law out.

"Not yet, my dark rose..." Neri turns her attention back to him, hands resting on his arms begins to move, to massage the corded ropes from centuries of war. She nods absently until her brow creases with a furrow. "Have you been practicing the runs with your cousin?" Vulcan asks her, giving her petite frame a loving embrace tighter against his chest. The smile wins again and she snuggles into the heat of his torso with a sigh. "Yeah. Every chance I get. I'm still workin' on ways to prolong my Kiss on the dead. The older ones just ain't doin' what I want again. Least when they gotta brain, they think on their own a little better but the skeletons just don't do what I want them to do." Her father smiles, as if amused, and reaches up to brush his callused finger tips along the contours of her jawline until stopping up under her chin until her head tilts back to deliver a softly plucked kiss from her lips.

Law stops moving instantly and she knows he's looking at them. She remembers his sudden tantrum during the baby's delivery and tries not to let it bother her, to savor the way it feels when she's kissed. His jealousy of her keeps her on her toes. How he thinks she monopolizes all his time. Never once had they run him off. Always to try and encourage him to join them in sparring or planning for situations..but she is left wondering if its pride or something more that keeps him from approaching.

After the kiss passes, Vulcan sits back and holds her against his chest, the sound of his burning heart thumping under her pressed ear muffled by the rich tones of his voice speaking further on things going on and what they must do to prepare. For hours this went on before finally he spoke the desire of going out and window shopping. And the thought of going out lit her up and she was on her feet and ready in no time to join him.